Top 700+ White Dragon Names (From Myth to Majesty)

Top 700+ White Dragon Names

From the corner of your eye, you catch a glimmer, a flash of white against the pristine snow.

It’s not just the ice sparkling under the sun’s embrace but the majestic sweep of a white dragon’s wings as it soars into the horizon.

In the fantasy world, dragons are not just creatures of fire and fury but symbols of wisdom, power, and purity.

This guide is your lantern in the dark, a collection of unique and majestic white dragon names inspired by their essence.

Best White Dragon Names and Meaning

White Dragon Names Ideas

Finding the perfect name for a white dragon that captures its essence and grandeur can be thrilling.

Each name in this collection carries a rich meaning, reflecting the elegance and power of white dragons.

Imagine calling out to a dragon whose name speaks of purity, wisdom, or the sheer force of nature.

  • Lumina (Light)
  • Glacius (Ice)
  • Alabaster (White)
  • Caelum (Sky)
  • Argent (Silver)
  • Nimbus (Cloud)
  • Zephyr (West Wind)
  • Auron (Light)
  • Glimmer (Faint Light)
  • Boreal (Northern)
  • Crystalis (Crystal)
  • Solstice (Sun)
  • Halo (Aura)
  • Icicle (Ice)
  • Pearl (Precious)
  • Seraphim (Angel)
  • Whisper (Soft Sound)
  • Celestia (Heavenly)
  • Aurora (Dawn)
  • Balefire (Beacon)
  • Mirage (Illusion)
  • Pallor (Paleness)
  • Frostbite (Cold)
  • Eirwen (Snow White)
  • Snowdrift (Snow)
  • Glisten (Shine)
  • Ivory (White)
  • Polar (North)
  • Radiance (Bright)
  • Sterling (Pure)
  • Tundra (Cold Plains)
  • Winter (Season)
  • Zenith (High Point)
  • Aether (Upper Air)
  • Cloudrunner (Cloud)
  • Diamond (Unbreakable)
  • Everest (High Mountain)
  • Glacier (Ice)
  • Moonbeam (Moonlight)
  • Nebula (Cloud)
  • Rime (Frost)
  • Starlight (Stars)
  • Thaw (Melt)
  • Vortex (Whirlwind)
  • Whiteout (Blizzard)
  • Zephyrus (Gentle Wind)

If your story also has a red monster, then you can get ideas from our collection of red dragon names.

White Male Dragon Names

Choosing a name for a male white dragon involves finding a title that embodies strength, valor, and the majestic aura that these dragons possess.

The names chosen for them carry the weight of their legacy, echoing through the valleys and mountains where they reign.

These tags blend male white dragons’ raw strength and noble spirit, crafted for those who lead with courage and a fierce heart.

  • Aegir
  • Borealis
  • Calder
  • Draco
  • Eirik
  • Fafnir
  • Galen
  • Hailstorm
  • Ivar
  • Jokul
  • Kael
  • Lir
  • Mithras
  • Norval
  • Orion
  • Palladium
  • Quasar
  • Ragnar
  • Soren
  • Thorin
  • Ulfrik
  • Valerian
  • Wyrm
  • Xypher
  • Ymir
  • Zane
  • Andor
  • Crystallon
  • Darian
  • Elex
  • Frostgor
  • Grendel
  • Hydron
  • Icefang
  • Jorvik
  • Kryos
  • Leif
  • Moroz
  • Nivis
  • Oriel
  • Pyrrhus
  • Qintar
  • Stark
  • Tundar
  • Ulric
  • Vinter
  • Wulfgar
  • Xanthus

White Female Dragon Names

Elegance, power, and wisdom radiate from the female white dragons, guardians of the mystical and the ancient.

Their tags are as much a reflection of their beauty as their formidable power.

Each option is a melody, a blend of grace and strength, perfect for the matriarchs of the dragon world, who soar with dignity across the skies.

  • Aelwyn
  • Brisa
  • Delara
  • Elysia
  • Fionna
  • Gwyneira
  • Hesper
  • Isolde
  • Jelena
  • Kaira
  • Lysandra
  • Mirabelle
  • Nuala
  • Ophira
  • Phaedra
  • Rhiannon
  • Seraphina
  • Thalassa
  • Ursa
  • Vespera
  • Wynter
  • Xylia
  • Ysabel
  • Zephyrine
  • Amara
  • Blanche
  • Clarice
  • Diantha
  • Elowen
  • Freesia
  • Griselda
  • Hilda
  • Ivanna
  • Jovienne
  • Kestrel
  • Liora
  • Maelis
  • Nerys
  • Orielle
  • Prysma
  • Querida
  • Rosalind
  • Sylphina
  • Tivona
  • Ursula
  • Vivaldi
  • Wisteria
  • Yveline

DnD White Dragon Name Ideas

For Dungeons and Dragons enthusiasts, naming a white dragon character is about infusing the name with the mystique and lore of the game world.

These labels draw inspiration from mythical sources, fantasy literature, and the rich history of D&D itself, aiming to fit seamlessly into any campaign.

  • Frost Fang
  • Ice Heart
  • Snow Wing
  • Winter Scale
  • Glacier Claw
  • Frost Breath
  • Ice Shroud
  • Crystal Spike
  • Chill Gaze
  • Frost Veil
  • Winter’s Roar
  • Ice Mantle
  • Snow Fury
  • Frost Spear
  • White Gale
  • Icebound
  • Snowfall
  • Crystal Guard
  • Blizzard Tail
  • Frostbite Wing
  • Icy Peak
  • Snow Crest
  • White Whisper
  • Icy Glare
  • Snow Storm
  • Frost Wing
  • Ice Fury
  • Frost Shard
  • Ice Nova
  • Snow Veil
  • Frost Roar
  • Ice Fang
  • Snow Fang
  • Ice Vortex
  • Snow Barb
  • Frost Maw
  • Ice Shard
  • Snow Plume
  • Frost Glare
  • Ice Crest
  • Frost Flare
  • Ice Wing
  • Snow Talon

Pathfinder White Dragon Name Ideas

In Pathfinder, white dragons are depicted as cunning and ferocious, thriving in cold environments.

The ideas listed here draw inspiration from their habitat, abilities, and the lore of the Pathfinder universe, providing a rich selection for players looking to name their dragon characters or NPCs.

  • Blizzard Fang
  • Frost Weaver
  • Ice Whisper
  • Snow Shaper
  • Glacier Fang
  • Frost Caller
  • Ice Walker
  • Snow Hunter
  • Crystal Mind
  • Chill Weaver
  • Frost Sentinel
  • Winter’s Breath
  • Ice Sculptor
  • Snow Dancer
  • Frost Painter
  • White Hunter
  • Ice Forger
  • Snow Binder
  • Crystal Dreamer
  • Blizzard Herald
  • Frost Diver
  • Icy Watcher
  • Snow Warden
  • Frost Harbinger
  • White Seer
  • Icy Sentinel
  • Snow Weaver
  • Frost Visionary
  • Ice Reaver
  • Snow Seeker
  • Frost Guardian
  • Ice Phantom
  • Snow Guardian
  • Crystal Vision
  • Frost Phantom
  • Ice Guardian
  • Snow Phantom
  • Frost Seeker
  • Ice Dreamer
  • Snow Dreamer
  • Frost Reaver
  • Ice Herald
  • Snow Herald
  • Frost Warden
  • Ice Sculpture
  • Snow Sculpture
  • Frost Sculpture
  • Ice Visionary
  • Snow Visionary
  • Frost Dreamer

Funny White Dragon Names

Infusing humor into naming white dragons brings a light-hearted element to the game, ideal for characters or dragons with a more whimsical or less serious demeanor.

The following funny names for dragons, with a light-hearted twist, are perfect for white monsters who don’t take themselves too seriously.

  • Chill Bill
  • Snow Joke
  • Ice Ice Baby
  • Mr. Freeze
  • Frosty The Snowdragon
  • Blizzard Wizard
  • Freeze Frame
  • Cool Runnings
  • Brrrruce
  • Frosty Pants
  • Ice Cap
  • Slushie
  • Cold Snap
  • Winter Wonder
  • Shiver Me Timbers
  • Snow Way Jose
  • Icicle Pickle
  • Frost Byte
  • Snowman’s Land
  • Coolio
  • Freezy Pop
  • Glacial Gale
  • Chilly Willy
  • Ice Breaker
  • Cold Shoulder
  • Frost Nova
  • Arctic Art
  • Polar Bear
  • Freeze Tag
  • Icy Stare
  • Snow Drifter
  • Cool Customer
  • Ice Cube
  • Snow Patrol
  • Frosty Reception
  • Iceberg
  • Winter’s Chill
  • Frostbite Fido
  • Snowy Owl
  • Cool Whip
  • Iceman Cometh
  • Frost Nip
  • Snow Cap
  • Ice Pack

Cool White Bearded Dragon Names

When naming a white bearded dragon, the goal is to find a name that captures the unique charm of these reptiles while playing off their distinctive appearance and cool demeanor.

This collection mirrors the cool demeanor and distinctive appearance of your scaly friend, blending the exotic with the familiar.

  • Frost Beard
  • Snow Whisker
  • Blizzard Beard
  • Ice Scruff
  • Snowy Fringe
  • Frost Tuft
  • Chilly Beard
  • Glacial Groom
  • Snow Mantle
  • Frost Mane
  • Icy Whiskers
  • Snow Bristle
  • Frosty Scruff
  • White Whisker
  • Cool Mane
  • Ice Fuzz
  • Snow Fluff
  • Icy Mane
  • Snowy Mane
  • Frosty Stubble
  • Chilled Tuft
  • Icy Beard
  • Snowy Whisk
  • Frost Whisk
  • Glacier Beard
  • Polar Fuzz
  • Cold Stubble
  • Frosty Fringe
  • Icy Stubble
  • Snow Beard
  • Frosty Fluff
  • Chilly Mane
  • White Frost
  • Cool Whisker
  • Ice Beard
  • Snowy Scruff
  • Frosty Whisker
  • Chilly Whisk
  • Frost Bloom
  • Icy Bloom
  • Snow Bloom
  • Frosty Bloom
  • Chilly Bloom
  • Cool Bloom
  • Ice Bloom
  • Snowy Bloom
  • Frosty Tuft
  • Chilly Tuft

Good Black and White Dragon Names

Dragons that don the hues of both night and day, shadow and light, demand titles that encapsulate their duality.

The monikers listed below dance on the edge of contrast, embracing these dragons’ dark and bright sides.

They are for those who embody the balance of power, the yin and yang of the dragon world.

  • Shadow Frost
  • Eclipse Snow
  • Dusk Ice
  • Night Frost
  • Twilight Snow
  • Dark Glacier
  • Moonlight Frost
  • Starlight Snow
  • Obsidian Ice
  • Midnight Frost
  • Onyx Snow
  • Shadow Flare
  • Eclipse Shine
  • Dusk Gleam
  • Night Spark
  • Twilight Glint
  • Dark Crystal
  • Moonshade Frost
  • Starbright Snow
  • Obsidian Chill
  • Midnight Shiver
  • Onyx Glaze
  • Shadow Veil
  • Eclipse Mantle
  • Dusk Cloak
  • Night Whisper
  • Twilight Haze
  • Dark Mirage
  • Moonlight Veil
  • Starlight Cloak
  • Obsidian Shadow
  • Midnight Veil
  • Onyx Whisper
  • Shadow Mist
  • Eclipse Shadow
  • Dusk Mist
  • Night Shroud
  • Twilight Shadow
  • Dark Frost
  • Moonlight Shiver
  • Starlight Chill
  • Obsidian Frost
  • Midnight Chill
  • Onyx Frost
  • Shadow Chill
  • Eclipse Frost
  • Dusk Frost
  • Night Chill
  • Twilight Frost
  • Dark Snow

Badass White Dragon Names

For the white dragons that stand tall and fierce, warriors of the sky and guardians of the ancient, their tags should be as bold as their spirit.

These titles, dripping with strength and defiance, are for those who lead the charge, fearless and unyielding, a force of nature that bows to no one.

  • Frost Fury
  • Ice Wrath
  • Snow Reaper
  • Glacier Guardian
  • Frostbite Fighter
  • Blizzard Warrior
  • Ice Vanguard
  • Snowstorm Sentinel
  • Crystal Avenger
  • Frostfang Champion
  • Icestorm Brute
  • Snowblade Berserker
  • Glacial Titan
  • Frostveil Enforcer
  • Icequake Defender
  • Snowfall Savage
  • Crystal Fury
  • Frostrend Warrior
  • Iceshard Mercenary
  • Snowdrift Raider
  • Glacial Rampart
  • Frostcore Berserker
  • Icebound Brute
  • Snowfury Gladiator
  • Crystaline Destroyer
  • Frostbite Vanguard
  • Icemaul Challenger
  • Snowrage Warrior
  • Glaciertooth Fighter
  • Frostvein Conqueror
  • Icefist Gladiator
  • Snowwrath Enforcer
  • Glacial Fury
  • Froststorm Warrior
  • Icespike Challenger
  • Snowclash Titan
  • Glacial Wrath
  • Frostbreath Destroyer
  • Iceplague Warrior
  • Snowthorn Gladiator
  • Glaciarch Conqueror
  • Frostgrave Sentinel
  • Icerend Champion
  • Snowgale Avenger
  • Glacial Rage
  • Frostwield Berserker
  • Iceforge Defender
  • Snowrift Raider
  • Glacial Vanguard
  • Frostshard Mercenary

White Dragon Names from Mythology

Mythological white dragon names carry the weight of stories and legends, perfect for creatures with a majestic or divine presence.

They are for those who wish to name their white dragon with a nod to the stories that have shaped our understanding of these majestic creatures.

  • Aetherwing
  • Boreasbreath
  • Celestine
  • Drakonlight
  • Eirlys
  • Frostmir
  • Glaciara
  • Hailmyth
  • Icaryx
  • Jokulmyst
  • Kryoslegend
  • Lumiarc
  • Mythfrost
  • Niflheim
  • Orion gleam
  • Polaris breath
  • Quill frost
  • Rime heart
  • Snowtheon
  • Tundragale
  • Ullerfrost
  • Valkyrie flight
  • Winter myth
  • Xypheros
  • Ymir glaze
  • Zephyr wing
  • Aurochspirit
  • Blizzard myth
  • Cry forge
  • Dvalinice
  • Eostreflight
  • Fimbulwinter
  • Ginnungagap
  • Hrimthurs
  • Iselore
  • Jormungandr
  • Kaltmyth
  • Luminaura
  • Mjolnir frost
  • Norn snow
  • Oden eye
  • Purity myth
  • Quasar light
  • Ragnarokfrost
  • Skadifrost
  • Thrymheim
  • Urdcold
  • Vinterstorm
  • Wyrdice
  • Yggdrasil frost

Famous White Dragon Names Ideas

Inspired by the dragons that have captured our imaginations in stories, films, and lore, bring a touch of fame and legacy to your white dragon.

From tales of heroism to the epic sagas of ancient times, these terms are borrowed from characters that have left their mark on the world of fantasy.

Perfect for dragons that carry the charisma and presence to be remembered for ages.

  • Saphiraice
  • Falkorwind
  • Draco aurora
  • Norbert frost
  • Tintagelglaze
  • Glaedrfrost
  • Viserionice
  • Ancalagonfrost
  • Fafnir frost
  • Smowgar
  • Pyrothrax
  • Sharda snow
  • Temeraireice
  • Glaurungchill
  • Quetzalcoatl glaze
  • Niven snow
  • Ormrwinter
  • Pernfrost
  • Ramothfrost
  • Syraxsnow
  • Typhon snow
  • Uwibamiice
  • Vhagarsnow
  • Wyrmsnow
  • Xiaolongfrost
  • Zilantice
  • Aithusasnow
  • Brisingrblaze
  • Chrysophylaxdive
  • Drogonfrost
  • Errol chill
  • Firnenice
  • Gnhidorahfrost
  • Hydrus frost
  • Iormungandr
  • Jiuweihu
  • Kilgharrah
  • Lung frost
  • Meraxesice
  • Nidhoggfrost
  • Oghmaflame
  • Pendragon frost
  • Quicksilver frost
  • Rhaegal frost
  • Sintaraice
  • Uther pendragon
  • Vermithraxfrost
  • Wyvern wind

Cute Names for White Dragon

Cute white dragon names bring out these mythical creatures’ endearing and softer side, perfect for those who see their dragon as a gentle giant or magical companion.

This selection is sprinkled with a dash of cuteness, ideal for dragons who might prefer to nuzzle in the snow rather than roar into the storm.

  • Fluffy
  • Snowball
  • Puff
  • Whimsy
  • Sparkle
  • Frosting
  • Cotton
  • Breezy
  • Glitter
  • Jingle
  • Snuggle
  • Twinkle
  • Snowdrop
  • Tinsel
  • Flurry
  • Snowbell
  • Misty
  • Hail
  • Icecap
  • Snowflake
  • Marshmallow
  • Nippy
  • Shiver
  • Frostine
  • Powder
  • Chilly
  • Frosty toes
  • Snow puff
  • Blizzy
  • Frost tail
  • Ice spark
  • Snow gleam
  • Chilly paw
  • Frost dancer
  • Ice mist
  • Snow spark
  • Frost belle

Catchy White and Red Dragon Names

Names that blend red’s fiery essence with white’s serene purity create a unique identity for dragons.

Perfect for those embodying the duality of ice and fire or for pairs of dragons that complement each other.

They meld the vivid heat of red with the pristine coolness of white, creating a palette that reflects their striking appearance and fiery yet cool demeanor.

  • Blaze Frost
  • Ember Snow
  • Flame Ice
  • Scorch Frost
  • Inferno Snow
  • Pyro Frost
  • Fiery Ice
  • Sizzle Snow
  • Burn Frost
  • Heat Ice
  • Lava Snow
  • Flare Frost
  • Ignite Snow
  • Cinder Frost
  • Blaze Ice
  • Torch Snow
  • Fire Frost
  • Ash Frost
  • Spark Snow
  • Volcano Frost
  • Combust Snow
  • Magma Frost
  • Fire shard Ice
  • Red frost
  • Frost flame
  • Icered
  • Frost sizzle
  • Icember
  • Snow flare
  • Frost ember
  • Ice flare
  • Frostburn
  • Ice scorch
  • Snow heat
  • Frost lava
  • Snow pyro
  • Frost volcano
  • Ice combust
  • Snow magma
  • Frost spark
  • Ice ash
  • Snow cinder
  • Frost ignite
  • Ice blaze
  • Snow torch

Unique White Fire Dragon Names

In the rare instances where white dragons wield the paradoxical powers of ice and fire, their names must echo this extraordinary blend.

Our handpicked selection weaves together the chill of frost and the warmth of the flame, crafting identities as unique as the dragons themselves.

For creatures that defy the norms, bridging elements in their very being, these names are their banners in the sky.

  • White flame
  • Glacial Flame
  • Snow Blaze
  • Ice flame
  • Frost Blaze
  • Winter flame
  • Snow fire
  • Ice Inferno
  • Frosty Blaze
  • Snow Inferno
  • Icy Inferno
  • Frosty Inferno
  • Frosty Flame
  • Glacial Fire
  • Cold Blaze
  • Winter Fire
  • Snowy Blaze
  • Icy Flame
  • Frost Inferno
  • Glacial Inferno
  • Cold Flame
  • Winter Inferno
  • Snowy Flame
  • Ice Fire
  • Frosty Fire
  • Glacial Blaze
  • Cold Inferno
  • Winter Blaze
  • Snowy Inferno
  • Icy Blaze
  • Frost Fire
  • Cold Fire

Names Meaning White Dragon

Around the globe, the reverence for dragons transcends cultures, each language offering its own term for these mythical beings.

This list gathers names that mean “white dragon” across various languages, celebrating the global fascination with these creatures.

  • Drac Alb (Romanian)
  • Dragón Blanco (Spanish)
  • Drago Bianco (Italian)
  • Draak Wit (Dutch)
  • Hvit Drage (Norwegian)
  • Vit Drake (Swedish)
  • Valkoinen Lohikäärme (Finnish)
  • Bílý Drak (Czech)
  • Biały Smok (Polish)
  • Dracalb (Romanian)
  • Dragonblanc (French)
  • Dragónblanco (Spanish)
  • DragoBianco (Italian)
  • Witdraak (Dutch)
  • Hvitdrage (Norwegian)
  • HvidDrage (Danish)
  • BiałySmok (Polish)
  • Bai Long (Chinese)
  • Haku Ryū (Japanese)
  • Huin Yong (Korean)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is Light Fury’s name?

The Light Fury from “How to Train Your Dragon” series has no official personal name in the franchise. However, fans popularly refer to her as “Lumina,” inspired by her moon-like color and in homage to a white female dragon from the book series.

Q2: What is the other name for the White Dragon?

The White Dragon is also known as the Light Fury, a name that has become popular among fans and within various communities. This designation highlights her distinct, pale coloration and aligns with the thematic elements of light and purity.


White dragon names like Lumina and Glacius embody the elegance and might of these majestic beings and their elemental essence of ice and purity.

From the commanding presence of Aegir to the ethereal grace of Aelwyn, each name weaves its own magic, inviting storytellers and adventurers alike to etch their mark in the annals of fantasy.

Let the names Frost Fang, Snow Wing, or the whimsical Chill Bill ignite your imagination, painting your tales with the hues of winter’s majesty and the whispers of ancient lore.

Cynthia Andrews

Cynthia, an accomplished author and podcaster, specializes in the art of fantasy naming. Her expertise lies in weaving together mythical and natural elements to create names that capture the essence of fantastical creatures and characters. Her passion for the mystical world is reflected in the high-quality, imaginative content she produces, making her a valuable asset to any team seeking creative and unique fantasy names.

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