530+ Goblin Names [Unique, Cute, & Funny Ideas]

Goblin Names

Goblins have always sparked our imagination with their quirky and mysterious nature. But what exactly is a goblin, and what would you name one if you had the chance? 

This post is your ultimate guide to goblin names, covering everything from the classics to the most creative. 

Perfect for storytellers, game enthusiasts, or anyone fascinated by these mythical creatures!

What is a Goblin?

Goblins, often found in the realms of folklore and fantasy, are small, playful creatures. 

Known for their cunning and mischievous antics, they play pivotal roles in various tales and legends. 

Although small in stature, these fascinating beings are huge in character, sparking curiosity and intrigue among those who encounter their stories.

Unique Goblin Names

Goblin Names infographic

In our top picks for goblins, you can find a treasure trove of unique names, each echoing these creatures’ playful and quirky nature. 

The monikers listed below have been carefully selected to capture what it means to be a goblin – full of surprise and a dash of mischief.

  • Skritz
  • Mizzle
  • Blip
  • Wartnose
  • Grizzle
  • Boggle
  • Snark
  • Zook
  • Pox
  • Fizzle
  • Grit
  • Nackle
  • Fink
  • Droop
  • Blix
  • Jinx
  • Muck
  • Quirk
  • Rax
  • Vex
  • Snivel
  • Groink
  • Crank
  • Zog
  • Snot
  • Bump
  • Squig
  • Gobble
  • Whim
  • Froth
  • Poggle
  • Gunk
  • Rattle
  • Bog
  • Slink
  • Grub
  • Scamp
  • Blight
  • Runt
  • Tweak
  • Dreg
  • Flack
  • Wriggle
  • Scowl
  • Prickle
  • Clank
  • Grift
  • Smirk
  • Tatter
  • Scritch

Similarly, when naming a snowman, the goal is to reflect its frosty demeanor and the joy it brings during winter.

Catchy Female Goblin Names

Catchy Female Goblin Names

The following female goblin names blend a touch of elegance with the classic mischievousness of goblin lore. 

From light-hearted and playful to strong and commanding, each name is a testament to the multifaceted nature of female goblins.

  • Breeza
  • Glint
  • Sparkle
  • Trinket
  • Glimmer
  • Sizzle
  • Twinkle
  • Fidget
  • Puddle
  • Giggles
  • Tizzy
  • Zephyr
  • Whisk
  • Flicker
  • Charm
  • Bubbles
  • Dazzle
  • Pixie
  • Sprout
  • Mirth
  • Jolly
  • Gossamer
  • Lilt
  • Whimsy
  • Tootle
  • Fawn
  • Tinkle
  • Puff
  • Bitty
  • Blush
  • Snicker
  • Pipsqueak
  • Wisp
  • Breeze
  • Flit
  • Gleam
  • Titter
  • Twirl
  • Spark
  • Zest
  • Nibble
  • Skitter
  • Flitter
  • Spangle
  • Frill
  • Tinsel
  • Glitter
  • Crisp
  • Fizz
  • Sway

Cool Male Goblin Names

Cool Male Goblin Names

The male goblins often bear names that exude a certain coolness, reflecting their rugged and sometimes brooding personas. 

Our following collection is a mix of the traditional and the unconventional. Ideal for those who envision goblins as more than mischievous creatures but as beings with depth and complexity.

  • Grizzle
  • Thwack
  • Scorch
  • Blade
  • Rumble
  • Slash
  • Steel
  • Tank
  • Crash
  • Thunder
  • Fang
  • Grit
  • Vandal
  • Brute
  • Flint
  • Boulder
  • Riff
  • Ruckus
  • Spike
  • Gargoyle
  • Cannon
  • Knuckles
  • Hulk
  • Storm
  • Shredder
  • Axle
  • Bruiser
  • Clash
  • Dart
  • Fender
  • Hammer
  • Jet
  • Lash
  • Maul
  • Nitro
  • Prowl
  • Razor
  • Sledge
  • Tornado
  • Volt
  • Wreck
  • Zapper
  • Barricade
  • Cobalt
  • Diesel
  • Iron
  • Quake
  • Riff
  • Smog
  • Twitch

Cute Goblin Names

When it comes to the cuter side of goblin names, we explore those that evoke feelings of warmth and charm. 

The choices below are perfect for goblins who might be smaller, friendlier, or more endearing than their counterparts. They bring a light-hearted touch to the goblin world.

  • Binky
  • Pippin
  • Squibble
  • Twix
  • Niblet
  • Doodle
  • Tootsie
  • Wobbles
  • Snuggles
  • Peep
  • Jingles
  • Bumble
  • Cuddles
  • Snuzzle
  • Sprinkle
  • Fluffy
  • Whiffle
  • Puddles
  • Squeak
  • Tiddles
  • Whiff
  • Muffin
  • Poppet
  • Nuzzle
  • Bobbin
  • Tickle
  • Fuzz
  • Giggly
  • Pinky
  • Bloop
  • Boop
  • Twiddle
  • Fuddle
  • Wiggles
  • Pipsy
  • Toot
  • Jiffy
  • Fuddle
  • Dinky
  • Ruffle
  • Scampi
  • Waffle
  • Floof
  • Rolly
  • Pogo
  • Binx
  • Mopsy
  • Snuffles
  • Blip
  • Tumble

Funny Goblin Names

Funny Goblin Names (2)

Embark on a humorous journey with these whimsical and quirky options

This list of funny names for goblins is sure to bring a smile or even a chuckle. Each one is crafted for its humorous twist:

  • Grump
  • Sneer
  • Blabber
  • Snort
  • Dizzy
  • Lumpy
  • Guffaw
  • Goof
  • Boomer
  • Zany
  • Wiggle
  • Quibble
  • Loopy
  • Gobble
  • Bumble
  • Chortle
  • Wobble
  • Gaggle
  • Yap
  • Bicker
  • Chuckles
  • Prank
  • Snoop
  • Burp
  • Smirk
  • Snicker
  • Gag
  • Jester
  • Droll
  • Hiccup
  • Jape
  • Klutz
  • Gaggle
  • Fumble
  • Mumble
  • Zinger
  • Quirk
  • Kook
  • Whopper
  • Yowl
  • Jive
  • Flub
  • Bloop
  • Yuck
  • Goober
  • Goofus
  • Gawk
  • Blunder
  • Buffoon
  • Baff

Just as fauns have names reflecting their connection to the forest and its magic, goblins carry names highlighting their playful yet sometimes nefarious nature.

Warhammer Goblin Name Ideas

For fans of Warhammer, goblin names are all about capturing the essence of their fierce, untamed nature. 

The options in this list resonate with the gritty and wild spirit that Warhammer goblins are known for.

  • Skarsnik
  • Gobbla
  • Nightgit
  • Snotling
  • Badtooth
  • Rotgut
  • Moonclaw
  • Fungus
  • Stabbity
  • Gloom
  • Bonecrunch
  • Warpface
  • Blacknail
  • Skulk
  • Sneakygit
  • Slimefoot
  • Mangler
  • Niblet
  • Grimgor
  • Mork
  • Gork
  • Squig
  • Bloodnose
  • Smashgut
  • Doomdiver
  • Bogey
  • Grimjaw
  • Lurk
  • Snaga
  • Throg
  • Gutstompa
  • Scum
  • Warphead
  • Grotsnik
  • Skullsmasha
  • Nasty
  • Ghazbag
  • Filth
  • Wart
  • Buggerit
  • Rot
  • Splinter
  • Muckjaw
  • Blight
  • Fester
  • Gorebad
  • Wazzok
  • Squabble
  • Titch
  • Fungusnose

WoW Goblin Name Ideas

WoW Goblin Name Ideas

World of Warcraft goblins are known for their craftiness and entrepreneurial spirit. 

These tags are inspired by the inventive and often ambitious nature of WoW’s goblins, perfect for characters in this vibrant gaming universe.

  • Gazlowe
  • Jastor
  • Fizzle
  • Zilzibin
  • Sassy
  • Noggen
  • Grizzek
  • Kazit
  • Hobart
  • Gallywix
  • Blastfizzle
  • Gobber
  • Tinkerbow
  • Zazzix
  • Rocketwrench
  • Rixxa
  • Fizzcrank
  • Bombgutz
  • Greasebeard
  • Sparkspindle
  • Geargrind
  • Twizzleflux
  • Boltspark
  • Springwidget
  • Steelspark
  • Quickfuse
  • Mechanostrut
  • Sprocketwhistle
  • Copperbolt
  • Dynatwist
  • Gizmotron
  • Blastwhizzle
  • Cogspinner
  • Snipswrench
  • Tinkerspark
  • Zappybo
  • Blastcoil
  • Gearwrench
  • Coilspanner
  • Sparkgadget
  • Voltwrench
  • Fuseblaster
  • Gadgetgrind
  • Clinkersteel
  • Boltbuzz
  • Gizzmogear
  • Springcoil
  • Tinkerblast
  • Spinbolt
  • Gearfizzle

It’s also equally important to choose a paladin name that embodies the valor and righteousness of his character.

Evil Goblin Names

When goblins turn to the dark side, their names mirror their sinister nature. 

Each moniker in this list exudes a sense of menace and darkness, fitting for goblin characters who have embraced their evil side.

  • Malice
  • Viletooth
  • Grimrot
  • Sorrow
  • Spite
  • Dread
  • Venom
  • Wrath
  • Darkwhisper
  • Balefire
  • Shadowgloom
  • Vexheart
  • Nightshade
  • Scowl
  • Thorn
  • Rancor
  • Sulfur
  • Nefarious
  • Gloom
  • Sinister
  • Scourge
  • Bane
  • Malign
  • Corruption
  • Agony
  • Torment
  • Despair
  • Hate
  • Fury
  • Malady
  • Grudge
  • Canker
  • Blight
  • Ruin
  • Snarl
  • Cursesnout
  • Sludge
  • Murk
  • Grief
  • Gall
  • Wraith
  • Brimstone
  • Marrow
  • Scab
  • Taint
  • Fester
  • Blister
  • Doom
  • Creep
  • Menace

Fantasy Names For Harry Potter’s Goblins

In the magical world of Harry Potter, goblin names carry a sense of mystery and enchantment. 

The below tags are carefully chosen to fit into the rich tapestry of J.K. Rowling’s universe, reflecting the unique characteristics of the goblins in her stories.

  • Griphook
  • Gornuk
  • Bogrod
  • Nagnok
  • Ragnok
  • Goldwhisker
  • Silvernose
  • Ironclaw
  • Gemeye
  • Flink
  • Shimmerglim
  • Mouldhook
  • Greengrass
  • Flintwick
  • Pouchgrab
  • Coinsnatch
  • Jewelbeard
  • Brightcoin
  • Nuggetsniff
  • Gemfang
  • Sparkleshin
  • Galleon
  • Sicklegrip
  • Knutknack
  • Rubyring
  • Emeraldgaze
  • Sapphiresmirk
  • Diamondust
  • Pearlpeek
  • Opalgleam
  • Treasuregrin
  • Vaultkeeper
  • Moneywise
  • Goldgrubber
  • Silverstash
  • Bronzefist
  • Coppergleam
  • Ledgerlook
  • Accountsnout
  • Assetsniff
  • Hoardhold
  • Wealthwhisk
  • Richesrack
  • Cashclutch
  • Fortuneface
  • Moneymuddle
  • Glimmergrip
  • Coinclink
  • Bankerblink
  • Financefrown

Goblin Name Ideas For DnD

Goblin Name Ideas For DnD

In Dungeons and Dragons, goblin monikers often reflect their role as mischievous tricksters or cunning adversaries. 

This list offers choices embodying the diverse range of personalities in DnD’s goblin characters.

  • Squibnose
  • Ratbag
  • Boggle
  • Lurk
  • Knickknack
  • Grumble
  • Snarl
  • Blight
  • Snaggle
  • Rascal
  • Trickfoot
  • Skulk
  • Sneak
  • Grift
  • Scramble
  • Tinker
  • Rummage
  • Pilfer
  • Scuffle
  • Mischief
  • Riffraff
  • Pickle
  • Scamp
  • Ruckus
  • Pester
  • Scram
  • Wriggle
  • Whim
  • Grouse
  • Fiddle
  • Muddle
  • Hodgepodge
  • Tangle
  • Bungle
  • Scurry
  • Hustle
  • Fidget
  • Bother
  • Muck
  • Fuss
  • Clutter
  • Jumble
  • Snippet
  • Gadget
  • Baffle
  • Fumble
  • Prankster
  • Dabble
  • Nibble
  • Quirk

Pathfinder Goblin Name Ideas

Pathfinder goblins are known for their eccentric and unpredictable nature. 

Our following goblin name ideas capture the essence of what makes these creatures a beloved part of the Pathfinder role-playing game universe.

  • Fizzwiddle
  • Grubnub
  • Rattlebone
  • Pog
  • Slink
  • Squint
  • Bop
  • Zigzag
  • Scribble
  • Blurt
  • Piddle
  • Smudge
  • Tweak
  • Gibber
  • Splatter
  • Scrawl
  • Whisker
  • Plop
  • Gobble
  • Skid
  • Twitch
  • Swindle
  • Boggle
  • Dab
  • Jitter
  • Wobble
  • Scuttle
  • Blip
  • Spatter
  • Whimper
  • Skitter
  • Crinkle
  • Nibble
  • Froth
  • Scritch
  • Doodle
  • Fizz
  • Glimmer
  • Pitter
  • Snip
  • Tatter
  • Snicker
  • Splotch
  • Muddle
  • Nudge
  • Flit
  • Blabber
  • Crackle
  • Snicker
  • Fiddle

Final Words

I hope these unique goblin names inspire your next fantasy adventure, whether it’s for a game, story, or just for fun! 

Remember, the best part about goblins is their unpredictability and the endless possibilities they bring to the imagination.

Cynthia Andrews

Cynthia, an accomplished author and podcaster, specializes in the art of fantasy naming. Her expertise lies in weaving together mythical and natural elements to create names that capture the essence of fantastical creatures and characters. Her passion for the mystical world is reflected in the high-quality, imaginative content she produces, making her a valuable asset to any team seeking creative and unique fantasy names.

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