Paladin Names [700+ Unique, Creative, & Funny Ideas]

Paladin Names

Paladins, the valiant warriors of light and justice, have always captured our imagination. 

Whether in a game of Dungeons and Dragons, a World of Warcraft campaign or just in our daydreams, having the perfect Paladin name can truly set the stage for a fantastic adventure. 

Our guide offers a treasure trove of unique Paladin names, from Aelar’s nobility to Zephyra’s grace, perfect for any fantasy adventure.

What Makes a Paladin?

A Paladin is more than a mere warrior; they’re a beacon of moral fortitude. 

With a heart fiercely devoted to justice and a soul bound to a higher cause, Paladins blend martial prowess with divine magic. 

They stand as guardians against darkness, upholding virtues of courage, honesty, and compassion, embodying the knightly ideal.

Best Paladin Names with Meaning

Paladin Names infographic

Paladins are known for their bravery and virtue. The names chosen for them often reflect these qualities. 

A Paladin’s name is not just a label; it carries history, meaning, and power. 

Here are some top names, each with a unique meaning that embodies the essence of a Paladin’s spirit.

  • Aelar – “Noble warrior”
  • Baelor – “Mighty hero”
  • Caelum – “Sky, heaven”
  • Dain – “Kind-hearted”
  • Eirian – “Bright, beautiful”
  • Falor – “Champion”
  • Galen – “Calm, healer”
  • Halir – “Brave one”
  • Idril – “Sparkling brilliance”
  • Jovan – “Light”
  • Kael – “Mighty warrior”
  • Lorn – “Knight”
  • Mavros – “Defender”
  • Nael – “Champion”
  • Oren – “Pine tree, strength”
  • Paelen – “Holy”
  • Qadir – “Powerful”
  • Rael – “Advisor”
  • Sariel – “Prince of God”
  • Tavon – “Nature”
  • Urien – “Privileged birth”
  • Vaelor – “Strong”
  • Wystan – “Battle stone”
  • Xylon – “Forest”
  • Yael – “Mountain goat, strength”
  • Zorion – “Happiness”
  • Ather – “Pure”
  • Brayden – “Broad, brave”
  • Corin – “Spear”
  • Drystan – “Full of sorrow”
  • Elron – “Wise”
  • Fenton – “Marsh town”
  • Gorin – “Mountainous”
  • Haldor – “Thor’s rock”
  • Ian – “God is gracious”
  • Jorin – “To flow down”
  • Kylan – “Narrow, straight”
  • Lysander – “Liberator”
  • Morven – “Child of the sea”
  • Nolan – “Famous, noble”
  • Orson – “Bear cub”
  • Paden – “Royal”
  • Quinlan – “Strong, fit”
  • Riston – “Settlement of the brushwood”
  • Seren – “Star”
  • Torrin – “Little hills”
  • Uther – “Terrible”
  • Valen – “Strong, healthy”
  • Wyborn – “War bear”

Having the perfect Paladin name can truly set the stage for a fantastic adventure, much like finding the unique necromancer names for those intrigued by the darker aspects of fantasy lore.

Beautiful Female Paladin Names 

Beautiful Female Paladin Names 

Female Paladins exude grace, strength, and determination. The names of female Paladins often reflect their strength, woven together with a touch of beauty. 

Choosing such a tag brings to life a character who is fierce in battle and carries herself with a poise that charms allies and intimidates foes.

  • Aelwyn
  • Brisa
  • Cerys
  • Delia
  • Eirlys
  • Fiora
  • Gwendolyn
  • Hestia
  • Iliana
  • Jaelle
  • Katriel
  • Liora
  • Myrrah
  • Nerys
  • Ophira
  • Phaedra
  • Quilla
  • Rhiannon
  • Selene
  • Tahlia
  • Ulyana
  • Vespera
  • Wynne
  • Xanthe
  • Ysabel
  • Zephyra
  • Amara
  • Brielle
  • Callista
  • Daphne
  • Elara
  • Freya
  • Galadriel
  • Hera
  • Isolde
  • Jocelyn
  • Keira
  • Lyra
  • Moira
  • Nadia
  • Oriana
  • Penelope
  • Qiana
  • Rosalind
  • Sapphira
  • Thalia
  • Ursula
  • Vivianne
  • Willow
  • Yasmine

Similarly, those crafting a character in tune with nature might find inspiration in faun names. Each name brings to life the essence of forest-dwelling creatures known for their whimsical charm.

Funny Paladin Names 

Funny Paladin Names 

Paladins can have a sense of humor, too! Picture a Paladin who cracks jokes in the face of danger, lightening comrades’ hearts in dark times. 

Names with a pinch of humor can be a delightful twist, offering a unique perspective in a typically serious archetype. They remind us that laughter is a powerful weapon, even in fantasy.

  • Sir Laffalot
  • Dame Chuckles
  • Lord Giggleshield
  • Lady Smirk
  • Baron Von Bellylaugh
  • Knight Tickler
  • Squire Snicker
  • Jestor the Brave
  • Sir Chucklehelm
  • Lady Mirth
  • Paladin Punsalot
  • Sir Guffaw
  • Dame Jolly
  • Lord Chuckleboots
  • Lady Grinns
  • Baron Buffoon
  • Knight of Knee-slaps
  • Squire Smiles
  • Jestor the Jovial
  • Sir Laughs-a-Lot
  • Lady Teehee
  • Paladin Prankster
  • Sir Smiley
  • Dame Gigglesnort
  • Lord Snickerdoodle
  • Lady Laughtrack
  • Baron Jokester
  • Knight of Chuckles
  • Squire Silliness
  • Jestor the Joyous
  • Sir Chucklenose
  • Lady Laughalot
  • Paladin Punster
  • Sir Giggleknight
  • Dame Delight
  • Lord Loller
  • Lady Glee
  • Baron Chortle
  • Knight of Mirth
  • Squire Guffaw
  • Jestor the Jester
  • Sir Silly
  • Lady Chucklet
  • Paladin of Puns
  • Sir Smilemore
  • Dame Laughter
  • Lord Jest
  • Lady Snicker
  • Baron Funster
  • Knight of Giggles

Cool Male Paladin Names 

Cool Male Paladin Names 

For the Paladin, who embodies coolness and charisma, these monikers are the perfect fit. 

They reflect the sophisticated and stylish nature of the Paladin, who stands out for bravery and their unique flair.

  • Blade
  • Zane
  • Ryder
  • Maverick
  • Thorin
  • Jaxon
  • Raze
  • Hawk
  • Gage
  • Storm
  • Axel
  • Flint
  • Draven
  • Blaze
  • Orion
  • Wolf
  • Dante
  • Phoenix
  • Titan
  • Brock
  • Ghost
  • Raptor
  • Slade
  • Kade
  • Colt
  • Dash
  • Rogue
  • Striker
  • Gunner
  • Jett
  • Riker
  • Knox
  • Ace
  • Falcon
  • Cruz
  • Shadow
  • Bishop
  • Spike
  • Lance
  • Vandal
  • Rex
  • Onyx
  • Tank
  • Locke
  • Blade
  • Stryker
  • Ranger
  • Hunter
  • Steele
  • Barron

Dnd Paladin Name Ideas 

Dungeons and Dragons is a realm where imagination knows no bounds. In such a world, a Paladin’s name should be as evocative and unique as their adventures. 

The following ideas are designed to blend seamlessly with the rich lore of DnD, adding another layer of depth to your role-playing experience.

  • Eldric
  • Morwen
  • Alistar
  • Tharion
  • Vaelan
  • Caradoc
  • Galdor
  • Halvar
  • Ithilien
  • Jareth
  • Kaelen
  • Lysandor
  • Meriadoc
  • Norion
  • Othar
  • Pellanor
  • Quorin
  • Rendil
  • Silvaris
  • Taran
  • Uldor
  • Valoric
  • Wulfgar
  • Xandar
  • Yorick
  • Zanar
  • Alaric
  • Borin
  • Caelum
  • Drystan
  • Elrond
  • Faramir
  • Galahad
  • Helion
  • Iskandar
  • Jorah
  • Kain
  • Lorien
  • Mithrandir
  • Nicasor
  • Orion
  • Palamedes
  • Quillian
  • Rowan
  • Seraphim
  • Thalion
  • Ulric
  • Valtor
  • Wyndor

Half Elf Paladin Names 

Half Elf Paladin Names 

Half-Elf Paladins stand at the crossroads of two cultures, their tags a blend of human and elven heritage. 

Such titles are lyrical yet powerful, carrying the elegance of the elves and the resilience of humans. 

Selecting one of the choices below means embracing a character rich in cultural diversity and depth.

  • Elarion
  • Miriel
  • Thranduil
  • Arannis
  • Luthien
  • Cirdan
  • Elenwe
  • Finrod
  • Idrial
  • Legolas
  • Mithrellas
  • Nimrodel
  • Oropher
  • Rian
  • Silinde
  • Tauriel
  • Aelar
  • Beleg
  • Celeborn
  • Daeron
  • Elrindir
  • Faenor
  • Gil-galad
  • Haldir
  • Ithildin
  • Jorund
  • Kaelthas
  • Lorandil
  • Maeglin
  • Nellas
  • Orist
  • Pellinor
  • Quelamir
  • Rúmil
  • Saelon
  • Thalion
  • Uldor
  • Valandil
  • Yavanna
  • Aerin
  • Berethor
  • Calenardhon
  • Dior
  • Ecthelion
  • Fingolfin
  • Galathil
  • Herion
  • Imladris
  • Jareth

In the fantasy world where creatures of frost and snow roam, snowman names can also carry hints of magic and whimsy, embodying the chill and mirth of wintry realms.

WoW Paladin Name Ideas 

Paladin Tauren Names 

In the sprawling universe of World of Warcraft, Paladin names should resonate with the grandeur and lore of the game. 

These tags are handpicked to echo the epic tales and legendary battles that define WoW, ensuring your Paladin stands tall among the heroes of Azeroth.

  • Lightbringer
  • Uther
  • Turalyon
  • Arthas
  • Tirion
  • Bolvar
  • Maraad
  • Yrel
  • Alexandros
  • Lothar
  • Sunwalker
  • Mograine
  • Liadrin
  • Fordring
  • Menethil
  • Barov
  • Velen
  • Zul’Tir
  • Aethas
  • Kael’thas
  • Dranosh
  • Ragnok
  • Sunshield
  • Hammerfall
  • Lightbane
  • Dawnseeker
  • Ebonlocke
  • Gorefiend
  • Hellstrike
  • Ironfist
  • Justicar
  • Kingslayer
  • Lightsworn
  • Moonblade
  • Naralex
  • Omenstar
  • Pureheart
  • Quel’Delar
  • Runeshield
  • Sunstriker
  • Thalorien
  • Uldaman
  • Vindicator
  • Whitemane
  • Xoroth
  • Ysondre
  • Zenedar
  • Argentum
  • Bloodknight
  • Dawnbringer

Dragonborn Paladin Name Ideas 

Dragonborn Paladin Name Ideas 

Dragonborn Paladins, with their draconic heritage, deserve names as fierce and majestic as dragons. 

Our following collection is crafted to echo the dragons’ ancient power and noble spirit, offering your Paladin character a sense of might and wisdom.

  • Aesthyr
  • Balasar
  • Cragjaw
  • Draxan
  • Emberclaw
  • Fafnir
  • Glimmerwing
  • Heskan
  • Iridar
  • Jaxar
  • Krix
  • Lenthis
  • Mordax
  • Nithther
  • Othokent
  • Pyrothrax
  • Queth
  • Rathalos
  • Soraeth
  • Tyranthrax
  • Urthax
  • Vargrax
  • Wyrmbane
  • Xasthur
  • Ysera
  • Zephyroth
  • Arjhan
  • Berynth
  • Cryn
  • Drathok
  • Eridor
  • Fyrn
  • Ghesh
  • Harkail
  • Irthos
  • Jalan
  • Kriv
  • Lorsan
  • Mehen
  • Naarash
  • Orox
  • Palarandusk
  • Quarethon
  • Razigeth
  • Sarrukh
  • Thaxan
  • Uadjit
  • Venthir
  • Wyrmfang
  • Zavrax

Similarly, unique names for warlocks echo the arcane and mysterious, imbuing characters with an aura of power and secrets yet to be unveiled.

Famous Paladin Names from Fiction 

In fiction, Paladins have left indelible marks on our imagination. Their monikers often become synonymous with courage and righteousness. 

This popular paladin names collection draws from the annals of literature and film, offering names that carry the weight of their famous bearers’ legacies.

  • Galahad
  • Percival
  • Roland
  • Arthur
  • Lancelot
  • Gawain
  • Tristan
  • Beowulf
  • Hector
  • Siegfried
  • Joan of Arc
  • Alaric
  • Bedivere
  • Charlemagne
  • Sigurd
  • Cuchulainn
  • Theoden
  • Eomer
  • Boromir
  • Faramir

Evil Paladin Names 

Not all Paladins stand for light and goodness. Some tread the path of darkness. 

The options below are perfect for Paladins who have turned to evil, echoing their sinister and menacing nature.

  • Malice
  • Nox
  • Shadowbane
  • Venom
  • Wrath
  • Darkblade
  • Gloom
  • Nightfall
  • Ruin
  • Sorrow
  • Torment
  • Vileheart
  • Abyss
  • Bane
  • Corruptor
  • Dread
  • Fear
  • Grim
  • Harrow
  • Inferno
  • Jinx
  • Kruel
  • Lurk
  • Malign
  • Nefarious
  • Omen
  • Plague
  • Rancor
  • Scourge
  • Thorne
  • Umbral
  • Vex
  • Wraith
  • Xenon
  • Yawgmoth
  • Zul
  • Atrament
  • Blight
  • Creep
  • Doom
  • Ebon
  • Fang
  • Ghoul
  • Hex
  • Ichor
  • Kraven
  • Leech
  • Morbid
  • Necro
  • Onyxia

Holy Paladin Names 

Holy Paladins are the embodiment of light and purity. Their names should radiate the same sense of divinity and grace. 

Think of titles that sound like a prayer or a hymn, tags that bring hope and light in the darkest of times.

  • Lumina
  • Seraphiel
  • Celestine
  • Halo
  • Radiance
  • Gabriel
  • Benediction
  • Cherubim
  • Divine
  • Elysium
  • Faith
  • Grace
  • Hope
  • Innocence
  • Joy
  • Kindred
  • Mercy
  • Nirvana
  • Oracle
  • Peace
  • Queriel
  • Revelation
  • Sanctus
  • Trinity
  • Unity
  • Valor
  • Wisdom
  • Xenith
  • Yoriel
  • Zion
  • Angelus
  • Blessing
  • Chalice
  • Dove
  • Eden
  • Fountain
  • Guardian
  • Haven
  • Ivory
  • Jubilee
  • Keeper
  • Lightbringer
  • Miracle
  • Noble
  • Oasis
  • Purity
  • Quest
  • Raphael
  • Serenity
  • Templar

For those who prefer channeling the elements and the ancient spirits, shaman names offer a connection to the primal forces of nature,

Oathbreaker Paladin Name Ideas 

Oathbreaker Paladin Name Ideas 

Once bound by honor, Oathbreaker Paladins now roam free from their vows. Their tags often carry a sense of loss and betrayal. 

Choosing such a name for Paladin reflects a complex character who has forsaken the old ways for reasons only they know.

  • Betrayer
  • Fallen
  • Renegade
  • Forsworn
  • Perfidious
  • Traitor
  • Deceiver
  • Apostate
  • Deserter
  • Defector
  • Reaver
  • Seducer
  • Abandon
  • Blasphemer
  • Corrupt
  • Dishonor
  • Exile
  • Heretic
  • Impious
  • Judas
  • Knavery
  • Lapse
  • Malefactor
  • Nihilist
  • Outlaw
  • Pariah
  • Quietus
  • Recreant
  • Sinner
  • Treachery
  • Unfaithful
  • Violator
  • Wretch
  • Xenophobe
  • Yorelost
  • Zephyrant
  • Acrimony
  • Brood
  • Cynic
  • Defiance
  • Egoist
  • Fugitive
  • Grieve
  • Heathen
  • Insurgent
  • Jettison
  • Kraken
  • Lament
  • Mordant
  • Nefaste

Badass Paladin Orc Names 

Orc Paladins are a formidable sight; their names should be as bold and fierce as they are. 

These badass paladin names are chosen to instill fear in the hearts of their enemies and respect in their allies, echoing the raw power and unbridled fury of the Orcish race.

  • Gorebash
  • Skullcrusher
  • Ironfist
  • Thunderaxe
  • Bloodsnarl
  • Ragehammer
  • Doomclaw
  • Wolfheart
  • Darkfury
  • Battleborn
  • Stormshout
  • Rendjaw
  • Fanggrin
  • Warstomp
  • Grizzlehide
  • Bonecleaver
  • Firebelly
  • Muddfist
  • Rockjaw
  • Sorrowblade
  • Tuskbreaker
  • Windroarer
  • Earthshaker
  • Blightcaller
  • Rageeye
  • Frostscar
  • Grimtotem
  • Stormfist
  • Viletooth
  • Warhowler
  • Blacktusk
  • Deathgaze
  • Goretusk
  • Ironjaw
  • Maulfist
  • Nightbane
  • Ragescream
  • Skullbasher
  • Thundermaul
  • Bloodhowl
  • Deepscar
  • Fangblood
  • Gloomfury
  • Hellscream
  • Ironhide
  • Jaggedclaw
  • Kragjaw
  • Longfang
  • Mightystrike
  • Netherbane

Paladin Tauren Names 

Tauren Paladins, deeply connected to nature, deserves titles that resonate with the earth’s power. 

The following options are carefully selected to reflect the Tauren’s spiritual connection with the land, imbuing your Paladin with a sense of ancient wisdom and natural strength.

  • Earthwalker
  • Skyhorn
  • Thunderhoof
  • Rivermane
  • Stonetotem
  • Brightsky
  • Moonblade
  • Sunwalker
  • Dawnchaser
  • Highmountain
  • Rainseeker
  • Cloudstrider
  • Pinebreeze
  • Ironhorn
  • Grasswhisper
  • Pebblehoof
  • Starfinder
  • Windtamer
  • Goldenfield
  • Frostmane
  • Stormrunner
  • Nightbreeze
  • Oakshield
  • Wildheart
  • Ironback
  • Blackthorn
  • Hailstone
  • Swiftstream
  • Thunderhide
  • Whisperwind
  • Blazinghorn
  • Darksky
  • Elkhorn
  • Forestwatcher
  • Grizzlyheart
  • Hillstride
  • Ironbranch
  • Leafwind
  • Meadowlark
  • Nightfall
  • Raindancer
  • Snowhoof
  • Stonefist
  • Thundercall
  • Wildsong
  • Cliffwalker
  • Firemane
  • Graystone
  • Longhorn
  • Riverwind

Catchy Paladin Last Names

A Paladin’s last name can be as important as their first, often reflecting their legacy and lineage. 

These catchy last names are perfect for adding depth and history to your Paladin’s identity.

  • Dawnbringer
  • Ironheart
  • Stormshield
  • Silverblade
  • Truestrike
  • Wolfbane
  • Dragonbane
  • Eagleeye
  • Nightingale
  • Highpeak
  • Starfall
  • Sunward
  • Moonshadow
  • Frostguard
  • Oakenshield
  • Thunderstrike
  • Windwhisper
  • Fireforge
  • Stonewall
  • Skywatcher
  • Ravenscar
  • Brightsword
  • Darkwood
  • Goldenhelm
  • Swiftarrow
  • Redthorn
  • Whiteheart
  • Greycastle
  • Blackwind
  • Stormrider
  • Ashwood
  • Emberfall
  • Winterbane
  • Greenfield
  • Bluewater
  • Shadowend
  • Ironwill
  • Steelsong
  • Wildrunner
  • Riverstone
  • Clearwater
  • Dawnseeker
  • Nightwalker
  • Rainward
  • Frostweaver
  • Thunderhorn
  • Brightstar
  • Darkmoon
  • Fairwind

Tips for Picking a Good Name for Paladin

When finding a name for your Paladin, you’re not just selecting a label but defining their identity. 

A good Paladin name should resonate with the character’s essence and the story you’re about to weave. 

Let me provide you with some useful tips to guide you in picking a name that’s not only fitting but also inspiring:

  • Reflect on the Paladin’s Traits: Think about your Paladin’s core characteristics. Are they noble, fierce, or perhaps mysterious? Let their traits guide your choice.
  • Consider the Setting: Is your Paladin wandering through a medieval fantasy or a modern-day saga? Ensure the name fits the world they inhabit.
  • Short and Memorable: A name that’s easy to remember and pronounce can make your Paladin more memorable to your party and in your adventures.
  • Cultural Significance: Draw inspiration from cultures and languages that align with your Paladin’s backstory. This can add depth and authenticity.
  • Meaning Matters: Sometimes, a name with a particular meaning can add an extra layer to your character’s personality and destiny.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What are some good human Paladin Names?

Our top picks for some great human paladin names are Aelar, Jovan, Kael, Nolan, Seren, Valen, Galen, Riston, and Yael.

Q2: What is the Origin Of The Name ‘Paladin’?

‘Paladin’ originates from the Latin ‘palatinus,’ meaning ‘servant or government official,’ later associated with Charlemagne’s courtly warriors in medieval literature.

Wrapping Up

Paladins uphold honor and valor, and the right name is a key to their identity. From Aelar to Zephyra, each name we’ve discussed carries its own story and power.

As guardians of light or envoys of darkness, their names echo through tales of bravery and sagas of adventure. 

Let your Paladin’s name be the first step in a journey of epic proportions.

Cynthia Andrews

Cynthia, an accomplished author and podcaster, specializes in the art of fantasy naming. Her expertise lies in weaving together mythical and natural elements to create names that capture the essence of fantastical creatures and characters. Her passion for the mystical world is reflected in the high-quality, imaginative content she produces, making her a valuable asset to any team seeking creative and unique fantasy names.

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