520+ Sphynx Cat Names [Unique Choices for Hairless Pets]

Sphynx Cat Names

Deciding on a name for your Sphynx cat is a thrilling journey! These cats, known for their distinct lack of fur and expressive eyes, deserve names that match their unique personalities and elegant looks.

Find ideal Sphynx cat names, including unique, funny, cute, famous, and exotic options, plus tips for selecting the perfect name.

Best Sphynx Cat Names

Sphynx Cat Names infographic

When it comes to naming your Sphynx cat, you want a name that captures their elegance and distinctiveness.

Think of options that reflect their royal posture and graceful movements. Here’s a list combining classic charm with a modern flair.

  • Apollo
  • Athena
  • Orion
  • Cleo
  • Eclipse
  • Nova
  • Phoenix
  • Zephyr
  • Solstice
  • Blaze
  • Sterling
  • Mystic
  • Jasper
  • Ember
  • Onyx
  • Sapphire
  • Merlin
  • Nimbus
  • Electra
  • Aurora
  • Zenith
  • Cosmo
  • Echo
  • Galaxy
  • Hera
  • Juno
  • Kismet
  • Leo
  • Lyra
  • Mira
  • Neptune
  • Pandora
  • Pluto
  • Rigel
  • Sirius
  • Solar
  • Stella
  • Titan
  • Vesta
  • Zara
  • Zen
  • Zora

Unique Hairless Cat Names

Their monikers should be equally distinctive when it comes to unique hairless cats. Step outside the norm and pick something that captures their one-of-a-kind nature.

Maybe it’s a hairless cat name that plays on their sleek appearance or a term that’s just quirky enough to suit their personality. Your choice can set your cat apart in the most charming way.

  • Gizmo
  • Pixel
  • Quirk
  • Gadget
  • Houdini
  • Jinx
  • Karma
  • Mochi
  • Noodle
  • Pippin
  • Quasar
  • Snickers
  • Tofu
  • Waffles
  • Yogi
  • Alfalfa
  • Bonsai
  • Cactus
  • Doodle
  • Fidget
  • Glimmer
  • Hobbit
  • Icarus
  • Java
  • Ludo
  • Muffin
  • Niblet
  • Oregano
  • Pesto
  • Quibble
  • Riff
  • Sprocket
  • Tinker
  • Udon
  • Widget
  • Xylo
  • Yarrow
  • Zest
  • Bamboo
  • Chutney
  • Dijon
  • Eureka

Funny Hairless Cat Names

Inject a bit of humor into your cat naming! A funny sphynx cat name can be a great conversation starter and reflects the fun side of having a pet.

For your Sphynx, choose a moniker that brings a smile whenever you call it out.

  • Baldy
  • Wrinkles
  • Mr. Clean
  • Peach Fuzz
  • Slick
  • Fuzzy Wuzzy
  • Gollum
  • Nudie
  • Baldwin
  • Chuckle
  • Egghead
  • Goofy
  • Kiwi
  • Loopy
  • Mischief
  • Oopsy
  • Pickles
  • Quirky
  • Rumples
  • Squiggle
  • Tickle
  • Vex
  • Wobble
  • Zigzag
  • Blinky
  • Cuddles
  • Dimples
  • Elmo
  • Flopsy
  • Giggles
  • Hiccup
  • Itchy
  • Jester
  • Kooky
  • Lolly
  • Nutty
  • Oddball
  • Puddle
  • Quack
  • Rascal
  • Silly
  • Toots
  • Upsy
  • Xoxo
  • Yummy
  • Zany

Cute Sphynx Cat Names

Cute Sphynx Cat Names

Your Sphynx cat’s cuteness deserves a name that is just as adorable. Think of names that evoke sweetness and charm.

These could be inspired by delightful things in nature, endearing character traits, or anything that reminds you of your cat’s lovable and affectionate behavior.

  • Angel
  • Bambi
  • Cupcake
  • Fawn
  • Gigi
  • Honey
  • Jolly
  • Kisses
  • Lovey
  • Pookie
  • Snuggles
  • Tootsie
  • Whimsy
  • Zuzu
  • Bean
  • Fifi
  • Gummy
  • Hugs
  • Jellybean
  • Lulu
  • Marshmallow
  • Nuzzle
  • Peaches
  • Sparkle
  • Twinkle
  • Winky
  • Bubbles
  • Chiffon
  • Dolly
  • Fluffy
  • Glitter
  • Happy
  • Jingle
  • Kitten
  • Lily
  • Mopsy
  • Nibbles
  • Rosie
  • Sweetie
  • Tinkerbell
  • Velvet
  • Wiggles
  • Blossom
  • Dewdrop
  • Freckles
  • Gumdrop
  • Honeybun
  • Jazzy
  • Lacey
  • Mittens

Famous Names for Sphynx Cats

Why not name your Sphynx after a renowned figure? You can draw inspiration from history, mythology, celebrities, or fictional characters.

Select a tag that resonates with strength, elegance, or charisma. It’s a wonderful way to give your cat a name with a legacy as impressive as their personality.

  • Aphrodite
  • Beethoven
  • Casanova
  • Einstein
  • Freud
  • Galileo
  • Homer
  • Isadora
  • Kafka
  • Leonardo
  • Mozart
  • Oprah
  • Picasso
  • Raphael
  • Shakespeare
  • Tesla
  • Ulysses
  • Venus
  • Wagner
  • Yoda
  • Brando
  • Chaplin
  • Dante
  • Fitzgerald
  • Gatsby
  • Hemingway
  • Indiana
  • Jagger
  • Klimt
  • Liszt
  • Monet
  • Nero
  • Othello
  • Plato
  • Rembrandt
  • Socrates
  • Twain
  • Virgil
  • Wilde
  • Xenophon
  • Yeats
  • Zorro

Sphynx Cat Puns

Sphynx Cat Puns

Pun names are perfect for those who appreciate wordplay and humor.

A punny name for your Sphynx can be a playful take on their characteristics, an amusing twist on a famous name, or just a silly phrase that makes you laugh. It’s all about having fun with words and enjoying your pet’s uniqueness.

  • Catpernicus
  • Furr-nando
  • Whiskerella
  • Purr-cules
  • Meowdusa
  • Catzilla
  • Purrlock Holmes
  • Meowses
  • Clawdius
  • Hiss-toria
  • Purrcy
  • Scratchmoore
  • Furrguson
  • Cleocatra
  • Purrfessor
  • Catrick Swayze
  • Meowly Cyrus
  • Pawsanova
  • Scratch Adams
  • Furrlin Monroe
  • Meowgellan
  • Purrseus
  • Catniss Everclean
  • Meowrilyn Monroe
  • Pawspero
  • Scratchy
  • Furrgie
  • Meowzart
  • Purrton
  • Catrina
  • Meowrio Andretti
  • Pawsitively
  • Slinky
  • Furrito
  • Meowstro
  • Purrple
  • Catastrophe
  • Meowtilda
  • Pawsome
  • Sir Scratchalot
  • Fuzz Aldrin
  • Meowccio
  • Purristotle
  • Catticus Finch
  • Meowleon
  • Pawsley
  • Snugglepuss

Exotic Sphynx Cat Names

An exotic name suits the Sphynx cat’s mysterious and intriguing nature. Imagine names that evoke distant lands, ancient myths, or the mystique of the unknown.

An exotic name can be a nod to the cat’s unusual appearance and charismatic presence, making your pet stand out in the most enchanting way.

  • Azura
  • Damascus
  • Elektra
  • Farah
  • Giselle
  • Halima
  • Isolde
  • Jafar
  • Kahlua
  • Lysander
  • Mirage
  • Nizam
  • Persia
  • Qamar
  • Sahara
  • Tariq
  • Uzuri
  • Vesper
  • Xanadu
  • Akira
  • Bastet
  • Caspian
  • Dragan
  • Esmeralda
  • Firdaus
  • Ghalib
  • Hestia
  • Indra
  • Jahan
  • Kenzo
  • Laila
  • Mystique
  • Nebula
  • Omari
  • Rumi
  • Sable
  • Talon
  • Ulyana
  • Vega
  • Xenia
  • Zorion

Sphynx Male Cat Names

Sphynx Male Cat Names

For your male Sphynx cat, you’ll want a name that’s both strong and fitting for their bold character.

From strong and noble to modern and trendy, the right name can reflect your cat’s character and charm.

  • Ace
  • Baxter
  • Caesar
  • Dexter
  • Falcon
  • Gideon
  • Hugo
  • Ivan
  • Kingston
  • Odin
  • Prince
  • Rex
  • Sebastian
  • Thor
  • Vince
  • Winston
  • Xavier
  • York
  • Bruno
  • Cody
  • Draco
  • Elvis
  • Felix
  • Griffin
  • Hunter
  • Isaiah
  • Jax
  • Koda
  • Loki
  • Miles
  • Nolan
  • Oscar
  • Romeo
  • Spencer
  • Tyson
  • Uriel
  • Viktor
  • Wyatt
  • Xander
  • Yves
  • Zeus

Sphynx Female Cat Names

A moniker that captures her elegance and grace is ideal for your female Sphynx. The perfect name can reflect her beauty and personality.

It’s all about finding that special name that fits her as perfectly as her sleek, graceful outline. This list ranges from the elegant to the cute, perfect for your lady cat.

  • Amelia
  • Bella
  • Chloe
  • Delilah
  • Esme
  • Fiona
  • Hazel
  • Iris
  • Jasmine
  • Kiara
  • Layla
  • Mia
  • Nora
  • Olivia
  • Quinn
  • Rose
  • Tiana
  • Uma
  • Violet
  • Willow
  • Xena
  • Yara
  • Zoe
  • Ariel
  • Daisy
  • Ella
  • Freya
  • Gemma
  • Harper
  • Ivy
  • Juliet
  • Kiki
  • Luna
  • Molly
  • Nadia
  • Piper
  • Ruby
  • Serena
  • Tessa
  • Wanda
  • Yasmine

Warrior Sphynx Cat Names

Warrior Sphynx Cat Names

Warrior names are great for Sphynx cats who are brave and bold.

The following sphynx cat names can be inspired by historical warriors, mythical heroes, or characters known for their courage and strength.

Choosing such a tag can be a powerful reflection of your cat’s fearless and adventurous nature.

  • Achilles
  • Brutus
  • Conan
  • Draven
  • Eragon
  • Fergus
  • Goliath
  • Hector
  • Ivanhoe
  • Jorah
  • Kael
  • Leonidas
  • Maximus
  • Nemo
  • Percival
  • Quintus
  • Ragnar
  • Samson
  • Thorin
  • Ulf
  • Valiant
  • Wulfgar
  • Xerxes
  • Yorick
  • Ajax
  • Bard
  • Crixus
  • Duncan
  • Elric
  • Finn
  • Gawain
  • Haku
  • Idris
  • Kato
  • Lancelot
  • Mordred
  • Neron
  • Oberon
  • Porthos
  • Qasim
  • Roland
  • Spartacus
  • Titus
  • Ulric
  • Vercingetorix
  • Wallace
  • Xan
  • Yoshida
  • Zane

Aristocratic Names for Sphynx Cats

An aristocratic name can beautifully match the regal demeanor of a Sphynx cat. Think of tags that sound sophisticated, elegant, or historically significant.

This naming style can be a nod to the Sphynx’s noble bearing and distinguished presence, wrapping them in an aura of class and enhancement.

  • Anastasia
  • Bartholomew
  • Constantine
  • Daphne
  • Eleanor
  • Frederica
  • Georgiana
  • Henrietta
  • Isabella
  • Julian
  • Katherine
  • Lucinda
  • Montgomery
  • Nathaniel
  • Octavia
  • Penelope
  • Quentin
  • Rosalind
  • Theodora
  • Victoria
  • Wilhelmina
  • Yolanda
  • Zacharias
  • Adelaide
  • Beatrice
  • Charlotte
  • Desmond
  • Elizabeth
  • Francis
  • Genevieve
  • Harold
  • Imogen
  • Katarina
  • Lionel
  • Matilda
  • Neville
  • Ophelia
  • Philippa
  • Reginald
  • Sophia
  • Tristan
  • Ursula
  • Vivienne
  • Xanthe
  • Yvette

Catchy Egyptian Sphynx Cat Names

Given their resemblance to the ancient Egyptian cat sculptures, Egyptian-themed names are a fantastic choice for Sphynx cats.

The following monikers can reflect the grandeur and mystique of Egyptian mythology and history.

  • Anubis
  • Cleopatra
  • Dynasty
  • Faraoh
  • Giza
  • Horus
  • Isis
  • Jafari
  • Kemet
  • Luxor
  • Mena
  • Nefertiti
  • Osiris
  • Pharaoh
  • Queenie
  • Seth
  • Tutankhamun
  • Vizier
  • Wadjet
  • Yafeu
  • Zoser
  • Akhenaten
  • Bennu
  • Cairo
  • Dahshur
  • Edfu
  • Faiyum
  • Hathor
  • Imhotep
  • Jannat
  • Khufu
  • Merit
  • Nekhbet
  • Ozymandias
  • Ptah
  • Ramses
  • Sobek
  • Thoth
  • Uraeus
  • Valley
  • Wosret
  • Aten
  • Bubastis
  • Cyrene
  • Djed
  • Eset
  • Fayum
  • Heliopolis
  • Iunu
  • Karnak

5 Tips for Naming Your Hairless Cat

Giving a title to your hairless cat is not just a fun task; it’s an adventure! These unique cats, often known as Sphynx cats, have a certain charm that sets them apart from their furry friends.

So, when it comes to picking a name, it should be as special as they are. Here are some cool tips to help you find the perfect name for your hairless companion.

Personality Matters: Observe your cat’s behavior and quirks. A playful cat might suit ‘Zippy’, while a serene cat could be ‘Zen.’

Appearance-Based Names: Use their unique hairless feature creatively. Names like ‘Peach’ or ‘Velvet’ can be both fun and descriptive.

Cultural References: Draw inspiration from their origins. Egyptian names like ‘Anubis’ or ‘Isis’ could fit a Sphynx cat.

Keep It Simple: Choose a name that’s easy to pronounce and remember. This makes it easier for your cat to recognize and respond to.

Test the Name: Say it out loud to see how it feels, and try calling your cat with it to gauge their reaction. Sometimes, the perfect name clicks!

Wrapping Up Your Sphynx Cat Naming Adventure

From the grandeur of names like Cleopatra to the playful spirit of names like Gizmo and Bubbles, each choice uniquely captures the essence of your feline friend. It’s a celebration of their unique character and expresses your bond.

So, as you call out to your Sphynx, let their name reflect the joy, creativity, and love they bring into your life.

Happy naming, and may your Sphynx cat wear their name with the same grace and charm they bring to every corner of your home.

Alisha Hayden
Writer | Editor at Names Pursuit | + posts

Alisha Hayden, a Co-founder and valued member of our team, is a passionate advocate for animals. With a lifelong love for furry companions, she brings her deep understanding and empathy to her writing. Alisha's dedication to providing insightful and well-researched content ensures that readers receive valuable information to enhance their relationship with their beloved pets.

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