Mythical Frog Names [280+ Ideas from Mythology & Folklore]

Mythical Frog Names

Frogs have always been a symbol of mystery and magic in various cultures. They leap through our fairy tales, myths, and folklore, often symbolizing transformation and hidden wisdom.

If you’re fascinated by these enigmatic creatures and their mythical lore, you’re in the right place! Today, we’ll discuss mythical frog names, exploring different categories that spark the imagination. Whether you’re a writer, a gamer, or just a curious soul, these names will transport you to enchanting realms.

Best Mythical Frog Names with Meaning

Mythical Frog Names infographic

Mythical names often carry deep meanings, reflecting these creatures’ unique traits and legends.

The following top frog names from mythology blend sound, meaning, and fantasy. Let these tags inspire you as they embody various cultures’ mystical essence of frogs.

  • Aqualine: “Water Spirit”
  • Bregalad: “Swift Tree”
  • Caelum: “Heavenly”
  • Daphnis: “Laurel”
  • Eirwyn: “White Snow”
  • Faelan: “Little Wolf”
  • Galyndor: “Calm River”
  • Hydros: “Water”
  • Iridon: “Rainbow”
  • Jorunna: “Young”
  • Kaelum: “Sky”
  • Lysander: “Liberator”
  • Myrddin: “Sea Hill”
  • Naiara: “Water Nymph”
  • Orelis: “Light of Dawn”
  • Pyxis: “Compass”
  • Quilin: “Magical Being”
  • Rana: “Noble”
  • Sylphina: “Air Spirit”
  • Thalasso: “Sea”
  • Urion: “Heavenly Water”
  • Varda: “Protector”
  • Wynn: “Friend”
  • Xanthos : “Golden”
  • Yavari: “River”
  • Amalthea: “Tender Goddess”
  • Borak: “Lightning”
  • Cyrene: “Sovereign Queen”
  • Drusus: “Strong”
  • Euneirophrenia: “Peaceful Mind”
  • Faustus: “Lucky”
  • Gloriana: “Glorious Grace”
  • Helios: “Sun”
  • Isolde: “Ice Ruler”
  • Jovian: “Father Sky”
  • Kairi: “Sea”
  • Lorelei: “Alluring Enchantress”
  • Maelstrom: “Powerful Whirlpool”
  • Nereus: “Water God”
  • Orion: “Hunter”
  • Penthia: “Sorrowful”
  • Queran: “Dark Battle”
  • Rhiannon: “Divine Queen”
  • Selene: “Moon”
  • Taranis: “Thunderer”
  • Ulyssia: “Wandering”
  • Vespera: “Evening Star”
  • Wisteria: “Intertwining Vine”
  • Xerxes: “Monarch”

Male Mythical Frog Names

Every male mythical frog deserves a tag that echoes strength, wisdom, and charisma.

The following mythical frog names are derived from ancient myths, legends, and long-forgotten languages, conjuring images of heroic frogs embarking on legendary quests.

Each moniker has been handpicked to resonate with the masculine energy of mythical lore, perfect for a frog prince or a valiant amphibian warrior in your next fantasy tale.

  • Alaric
  • Borin
  • Caius
  • Darius
  • Emeric
  • Fergus
  • Galahad
  • Hector
  • Ivar
  • Jareth
  • Lancelot
  • Magnus
  • Niall
  • Oberon
  • Percival
  • Quillon
  • Remus
  • Sirius
  • Theron
  • Ulric
  • Valerian
  • Wyvern
  • Xantheus
  • Yorick
  • Acheron
  • Blaise
  • Cadoc
  • Drystan
  • Eldred
  • Faolan
  • Gavriel
  • Hadrian
  • Idris
  • Jove
  • Kyrin
  • Leander
  • Myron
  • Nero
  • Orson
  • Phelan
  • Quintus
  • Rowan
  • Severus
  • Tiberius
  • Urian
  • Vance
  • Wulfric
  • Xylon

Female Mythical Frog Names

Female mythical frogs often bear beautiful and powerful monikers, reflecting grace, wisdom, and magic qualities.

These female frog names are inspired by goddesses, mythical creatures, and legendary heroines.

  • Aelwen
  • Briseis
  • Calliope
  • Diantha
  • Elysia
  • Freesia
  • Gwendolyn
  • Hestia
  • Ianthe
  • Junia
  • Kallista
  • Lysandra
  • Melisande
  • Niamh
  • Ophira
  • Persephone
  • Qadira
  • Rhianna
  • Seraphina
  • Thalia
  • Ursa
  • Vesper
  • Winifred
  • Xanthe
  • Ysabel
  • Zephyrine
  • Amara
  • Bronwyn
  • Cressida
  • Delphine
  • Elowen
  • Fiora
  • Gaia
  • Helene
  • Isadora
  • Jocasta
  • Keira
  • Lorena
  • Mireille
  • Nerissa
  • Ondine
  • Phaedra
  • Quintessa
  • Rosalind
  • Sapphira
  • Tanith
  • Una
  • Viola
  • Wren
  • Yara

Fictional Frog Names

Imagination knows no bounds when it comes to fictional names. The following fictional frog names leap out of the ordinary, bringing a smile to your face and a spark to your story.

Each one is a playful concoction designed to add color and fun to your fictional frog characters.

  • Bogglewomp
  • Crickety
  • Dapplesplat
  • Effervescio
  • Fiddlestomp
  • Glimmerhop
  • Hobblesnook
  • Iridiglow
  • Jinglejolt
  • Knobbleknee
  • Lollygag
  • Muddlewhack
  • Nibblenose
  • Ooglyboo
  • Puddlesplash
  • Quibblequack
  • Rifflebump
  • Sizzlepop
  • Tumbletwitch
  • Ubblyump
  • Vibblevort
  • Wobblewack
  • Xizzlesnout
  • Yibbleyomp
  • Zogglezap
  • Applegump
  • Booglebum
  • Chortlechomp
  • Dizzydaddle
  • Eerieeek
  • Fuzzleflop
  • Gobbleguck
  • Hiccuphopper
  • Izzyizzy
  • Janglejank
  • Kricklekrack
  • Lumpybump
  • Mumblemoop
  • Noodleknack
  • Oozleooze
  • Pifflepuff
  • Quirkyquok
  • Ripplewhiff
  • Snickerdoodle
  • Tootletap
  • Umpbump
  • Vervetwirl
  • Whimperwhirl
  • Xylozong
  • Yawnysnorf

Famous Frog Character Names

Frogs have hopped into the spotlight in various stories and films. This list features names of famous frog characters from movies, cartoons, and literature, perfect for fans of these amphibian stars.

They are a nod to the frogs who have leaped beyond their ponds and into our hearts, reminding us of the joy and humor these characters bring

  • Kermit
  • Frogger
  • Hypnotoad
  • Freddo
  • Michigan J. Frog
  • Mr. Toad
  • Flip the Frog
  • Toady
  • Tiana
  • Prince Naveen
  • Thumbelina’s Prince
  • Ribbit
  • Hoppy
  • Croaky
  • Jumpy
  • Leapster
  • Paddles
  • Ribbert
  • Croaker
  • Blinky
  • Froggo
  • Hopper
  • Bouncer
  • Slippy
  • Flibbertigibbet
  • Warts
  • Gorf
  • Pogo
  • Squat
  • Tadpole
  • Croakster
  • Hopscotch
  • Ribbitski
  • Leapfrog
  • Quacko
  • Splish
  • Splosh
  • Bubblegum
  • Lickety
  • Gummy
  • Ribbington
  • Jumpstart
  • Croakie
  • Floater
  • Splatter
  • Boing
  • Sprinkle
  • Gribbit
  • Hoptastic
  • Puddle

Norse Mythical Frog Names

Delve into the mystical Norse mythology with a list of frog names that echo the ancient tales of gods, warriors, and magical creatures.

These choices are infused with the raw power and profound mystique of the Nordic legends, conjuring images of mythical frogs dwelling in the majestic landscapes of the north.

  • Aegirhop
  • Baldurleap
  • Cragjump
  • Drakemist
  • Eirpad
  • Freyafrog
  • Grendelsplash
  • Heimdallribbit
  • Idunncroak
  • Jormungandrjump
  • Kvasirquack
  • Lokihop
  • Mjolnirpad
  • Njordglide
  • Odinrib
  • Puddleheim
  • Quorthonleap
  • Ragnarokribbit
  • Skadispring
  • Thorhop
  • Ullrflop
  • Valhallapad
  • Yggdrasilcroak
  • Zephyrnorse
  • Aesirjump
  • Bragifrog
  • Cygnusleap
  • Dellingrpad
  • Elivagarcroak
  • Fensalirhop
  • Gullinburstiquack
  • Huginnmist
  • Ivaldifrog
  • Jotunrib
  • Karijump
  • Lofnleap
  • Muspelsheimhop
  • Niflheimribbit
  • Ormgap
  • Puddlemidgard
  • Quicksilverheim
  • Rindpad
  • Svartalfheimquack
  • Tyrleap
  • Urdcroak
  • Vanaheimjump
  • Wolfpad
  • Ymirflop
  • Zephyrvana
  • Alfheimrib

Final Reflection

As we come to the end of this captivating journey through the world of mythical frog names, we can’t help but feel a sense of wonder and delight.

These names, steeped in magic and mystery, offer more than just unique identifiers; they invite us into a realm where imagination and reality intertwine.

Each name tells a story, from the strong and noble titles of male and female mythical frogs to the quirky and lively fictional characters.

They remind us of the rich tapestry of folklore and legend that frogs have been a part of across cultures and ages.

Maria Collier
Content Writer | Proofreader at Names Pursuit

Passionate content writer with 5+ years' experience. Inspired by a lifelong love for animals, Maria brings her expertise to our team. With a deep understanding of the pet and animal world, she adds a personal touch to our articles, making them relatable and engaging.

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