Female Rabbit Names [200+ Ideas for Adorable Girl Bunny]

Female Rabbit Names

Are you scratching your head, trying to find the ideal name for your rabbit?

Naming your hairy friend should be fun, not a challenge. Maybe you want a name that matches her adorable nature or her bouncy spirit. We’re here to help!

We’ve put together a great list of female rabbit names, all easy to pronounce and packed with charm. Let’s find the perfect name for your girl bunny.

Funny Names for Female Rabbits

Funny Names for Female Rabbits

Bunnies aren’t just cute; they can be hilariously entertaining, too. Just as we enjoy a good laugh, a funny name for your female rabbit can add an extra dose of joy.

Here are some comical names that will bring a smile to your face whenever you call your bunny.

  • Giggles: A name for a rabbit who never fails to amuse you.
  • Doodle: For a bunny with a quirky, playful personality.
  • Nibbles: An amusing name for a rabbit who loves to chew on everything.
  • Furry Potter: For a rabbit who’s magical in her own way, inspired by the famous Harry Potter.
  • Bunzilla: A humorous name for a bunny with a big personality.
  • Hopscotch: For a bunny who loves hopping around.
  • Bun Bun: A playful name for a rabbit, playing on the word ‘bun’ for bunny.
  • Fluffernutter: A fun name for a bunny with a fluffy coat.
  • Bouncer: An amusing name for an energetic rabbit who’s always hopping about.
  • Carrot Top: For a bunny who loves her carrots.
  • Fur Ball: A hilarious name for a fluffy rabbit.
  • Flopsy: For a bunny with floppy ears, a nod to Beatrix Potter’s character.
  • Hoptimist: An optimistic rabbit who’s always hopeful, ready to leap forward.
  • Binky: A joyful rabbit who loves to leap in the air, named after the happy bunny dance.
  • Boop: A cute and funny name for a bunny who loves to nudge with her nose.
  • Cottonball: For a bunny as fluffy and white as a cotton ball.
  • Pancake: A humorous name for a bunny who loves to sprawl flat on the ground.
  • Twitch: A funny name for a rabbit who often twitches her nose.
  • Munchkin: A lovingly funny name for a small or young bunny.
  • Pogo: An amusing name for a rabbit who loves to hop like a pogo stick.

Adorable Names for Girl Rabbits

Every bunny has an adorable side that we can’t resist. Picking an adorable name can perfectly capture the charm that melts our hearts.

Let’s explore some of the cutest girl rabbit names that will melt your heart.

  • Bella: An Italian name meaning ‘beautiful’ for a truly beautiful bunny.
  • Cupcake: A sweet and adorable name for a lovable rabbit.
  • Daisy: Named after the pretty and cheerful flower.
  • Buttercup: A darling name for a bunny who’s as sweet as a buttercup flower.
  • Cookie: An adorable name for a bunny as sweet as a cookie.
  • Bubbles: For a cheerful, bubbly bunny.
  • Cherry: A cute name for a bright, sweet bunny.
  • Snowball: An adorable name for a white, fluffy bunny.
  • Pebbles: A cute name for a small bunny inspired by small stones.
  • Cuddles: For a bunny who loves to cuddle.
  • Marshmallow: A soft and sweet name for a white bunny.
  • Pumpkin: A darling name for a round, orange-colored bunny.
  • Sparkle: An adorable name for a rabbit with a vibrant personality.
  • Poppy: Named after the vibrant flower, perfect for a lively bunny.
  • Honeybun: A sweet and endearing name for a rabbit.
  • Lollipop: A playful and adorable name for a sweet bunny.
  • Sunny: A cheerful name for a bright, warm-hearted rabbit.
  • Tulip: A cute name for a cheerful and lively bunny.
  • Snuggles: For a rabbit who loves to snuggle.
  • Pixie: A sweet name for a small, playful bunny.

Unique Female Rabbit Names

Unique Female Rabbit Names

Choosing a unique name for your female rabbit is a wonderful way to acknowledge her individuality and character.

A name that’s as distinct as she is can reflect her personality, appearance, or the special bond you share. From whimsical to profound, each unique name has its own story and significance.

Here are some distinctive and enchanting names to consider for your girl bunny, ensuring she has a moniker as special as she is:

  • Aria: An Italian name meaning ‘air,’ perfect for a free-spirited bunny.
  • Eclipse: For a bunny as magnificent as the celestial event.
  • Mosaic: A beautiful and unique name for a bunny with a multi-colored coat.
  • Cosmo: A name representing the universe for a bunny with a larger-than-life personality.
  • Ivory: A unique name for a white bunny, as precious as the material.
  • Lyric: For a bunny who adds a beautiful rhythm to your life.
  • Aurora: Named after the natural light display in the Earth’s sky for a truly spectacular bunny.
  • Mystique: A unique name for a rabbit with a mysterious charm.
  • Bliss: A one-of-a-kind name for a bunny who brings immense happiness.
  • Reverie: A dreamy name for a bunny who loves to daydream.
  • Kismet: A name meaning ‘destiny’ for a bunny meant to be part of your life.
  • Serendipity: For a bunny who was a happy and unexpected discovery in your life.
  • Sonnet: A unique name for a bunny who adds poetry to your life.
  • Whimsy: A unique name for a playful and unpredictable bunny.
  • Zephyrine: A unique name meaning ‘west wind,’ perfect for a free-spirited bunny.
  • Aeon: A unique name representing eternity for a rabbit who’ll leave a lasting impact.
  • Limerence: A unique, untranslatable word signifying an intense, all-consuming infatuation.
  • Solstice: For a rabbit who’s as significant as the solstices in a year.
  • Vespera: A unique Latin name meaning ‘evening star,’ perfect for a bunny who’s a guiding light in your life.
  • Haven: A unique name for a bunny who provides a safe and comforting presence.

Female Lionhead Rabbit Names

The Lionhead Rabbit is a unique breed with a fluffy mane, just like a lion’s. Their distinct look calls for equally distinctive names.

Here are some name ideas that perfectly fit the majestic personality of your female Lionhead rabbit.

  • Majesty: A name that acknowledges your bunny’s regal appearance.
  • Princess: A perfect name for a bunny as delicate and regal as a princess.
  • Queenie: For a bunny who rules the roost.
  • Duchess: A noble name for a regal bunny.
  • Empress: For a commanding and dignified bunny.
  • Sapphire: A royal gemstone, perfect for your precious bunny.
  • Velvet: For a bunny with a coat as smooth as velvet.
  • Glamour: For a stunning, attractive bunny.
  • Rapunzel: For a bunny with long, beautiful fur.
  • Tiara: A perfect name for a bunny who’s a jewel in your life.
  • Arista: A Greek name meaning ‘the best’, fitting for a top-notch bunny.
  • Taffeta: A unique name for a bunny with a shiny, crisp coat.
  • Diva: For a bunny with a commanding presence and personality.
  • Regalia: A name representing royal rights, perfect for a royal bunny.
  • Dynasty: A unique name for a bunny from a noble lineage.
  • Dame: A noble title befitting a dignified bunny.
  • Elegance: A beautiful name for a bunny who carries herself with grace and sophistication.
  • Tinsel: A shiny and attractive name for a glittering personality.
  • Bijou: A French name meaning ‘jewel,’ perfect for a precious bunny.
  • Starlet: A glamorous name for a bunny who’s the star of your life.

Female White Rabbit Names

Female White Rabbit Names

A female white rabbit is a perfect symbol of purity, peace, and innocence. The pure, snow-like color of her fur brings a unique charm that deserves a special name.

Here’s a list of delightful female bunny names that perfectly capture the elegance of your white rabbit.

  • Blanca: A Spanish name meaning ‘white’, perfectly fitting for a white bunny.
  • Icy: An appropriate name for a white bunny as cold and pure as ice.
  • Pearl: For a rabbit as precious and white as a pearl.
  • Snowflake: A charming name for a bunny as unique and delicate as a snowflake.
  • Lily: Named after the beautiful white flower, representing purity.
  • Ghost: A playful name for a white rabbit inspired by their ghost-like appearance.
  • Vanilla: For a bunny as sweet and white as vanilla.
  • Sugar: A sweet name for a bunny as sweet and white as sugar.
  • Crystal: A sparkling name for a clear, white bunny.
  • Cloud: A soft and fluffy name, just like your white bunny.
  • Chalky: A playful and fun name for a white rabbit.
  • Marshmallow: A cute and fluffy name, perfect for a white bunny.
  • Dove: Named after the white bird that symbolizes peace.
  • Ivory: An elegant name for a bunny as precious and white as ivory.
  • Cotton: For a bunny as soft and white as cotton.
  • Alba: A Latin name meaning ‘white’, a simple yet elegant name.
  • Angel: For a white rabbit with an innocent, angelic look.
  • Milky: A sweet and creamy name for a white bunny.
  • Moonbeam: A sweet name for a white rabbit, as beautiful as the light of the moon.
  • Frosty: For a bunny as cool and white as frost.

Female Dwarf Rabbit Names

Dwarf rabbits are known for their tiny size and cute, round appearance. They may be small in size, but they carry a big heart full of joy and love. Here are 20 names that beautifully suit your little female dwarf rabbit.

  • Tiny: An adorable name for a small-sized bunny.
  • Peanut: A fun name for a little rabbit.
  • Button: For a bunny as cute as a button.
  • Tink: Short for Tinkerbell, a perfect name for a small, magical bunny.
  • Nugget: A sweet name for a tiny, precious bunny.
  • Jellybean: For a small and colorful bunny.
  • Pip: A cute and short name for a little bunny.
  • Pixie: For a bunny with a playful, small size.
  • Dotty: A playful name for a small, spotted bunny.
  • Petite: A French name meaning ‘small’, apt for your little rabbit.
  • Teeny: A cute name for a teeny tiny bunny.
  • Mini: An adorable name for a small rabbit.
  • Pebble: A unique name for a small but strong bunny.
  • Poppet: An affectionate term used for a small or young bunny.
  • Midge: For a small-sized bunny.
  • Bitty: A charming name for a little bunny.
  • Baby: An endearing name for a small or young bunny.
  • Itsy: Short for itsy-bitsy, a fun name for a small rabbit.
  • Gidget: A playful name for a small and spirited bunny.
  • Munchkin: An endearing name for a small or young bunny.

Girl Rabbit Names [A to Z List]

Girl Rabbit Names A to Z

This guide is here to help you discover a unique and special name for your new furry friend, with a comprehensive list covering every letter from A to Z.

We’ve handpicked the choicest names, complete with their meanings, to make your task a bit easier.


  • Amber: Named after the golden gemstone, this is perfect for a rabbit with a warm golden coat.
  • Aria: An Italian word for ‘air,’ this suits a light-footed, graceful bunny.
  • Astrid: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning ‘divinely beautiful.’
  • Azure: If your bunny has a hint of blue in her coat, ‘Azure,’ meaning ‘sky-blue,’ might just be the perfect fit.


  • Bella: An Italian name that means ‘beautiful,’ ideal for a gorgeous bunny.
  • Blossom: Suitable for a gentle, affectionate bunny, this name means ‘to bloom.’
  • Bambi: Inspired by the famous deer character, it is perfect for a doe-eyed rabbit.
  • Buttercup: A delightful name for a yellow or light-colored rabbit named after the sunny wildflower.


  • Candy: An adorable name for a bunny who’s as sweet as sugar.
  • Coco: Perfect for a chocolate-colored bunny named after the cocoa bean.
  • Cherry: For a lively, energetic rabbit with a personality as bright as the fruit.
  • Cinnamon: If your bunny has a reddish-brown coat, Cinnamon, named after the fragrant spice, is a wonderful choice.


  • Daisy: Named after the cheerful flower, this name suits a joyful, happy-go-lucky rabbit.
  • Dawn: For an early riser, Dawn, which signifies the beginning of a new day, is a fitting name.
  • Dewdrop: If your rabbit has a cool, soothing personality, consider the name Dewdrop.
  • Dazzle: Ideal for a rabbit with a shining, radiant coat or an exciting personality.


  • Ebony: A great name for a rabbit with a black, glossy coat.
  • Eclipse: A cosmic event that implies rarity, perfect for an extraordinary bunny.
  • Echo: A name for a rabbit that’s always around you, echoing your love.
  • Emerald: If your rabbit has bright, jewel-like eyes, then Emerald is a suitable choice.


  • Fawn: Inspired by the young deer, it is ideal for a shy, gentle bunny.
  • Frost: A name for a white or gray rabbit, nostalgic for frosty winter mornings.
  • Felicity: Meaning ‘happiness and good fortune,’ this name suits a joy-bringing bunny.
  • Fairy: A name for a small, cute rabbit that flits around like a magical creature.


  • Ginger: For a bunny with a reddish or orange coat, Ginger is a lively choice.
  • Grace: Fits a rabbit that is calm and carries itself with grace.
  • Gem: A name that implies your rabbit is a precious part of your life.
  • Goldie: Perfect for a golden-colored bunny, exuding warmth and brightness.


  • Hazel: If your bunny has a nut-brown coat, Hazel, named after the tree and its nuts, could be an excellent choice.
  • Harmony: Meaning ‘peaceful balance,’ it’s perfect for a bunny that brings peace to your life.
  • Honey: An endearing name for a sweet and affectionate rabbit.
  • Heaven: For a bunny whose presence feels blissful and calm.


  • Ivy: If your bunny loves to climb, consider Ivy, a name inspired by nature’s climber.
  • Indigo: An imaginative name for a bunny with a dark blue or violet shade in her coat.
  • Iris: Named after the colorful flower, this suits a vibrant, lively rabbit.
  • Icicle: Perfect for a white, cool-natured bunny.


  • Jasmine: For a bunny who is as captivating as this beautiful-smelling flower.
  • Joy: A delightful name for a bunny who brings happiness to your life.
  • Jade: If your bunny is as precious to you as a gem, consider Jade.
  • Jellybean: A fun, nice name for a sweet and lovable bunny.


  • Kiwi: An exotic fruit and a unique name for an extraordinary bunny.
  • Kaleidoscope: If your bunny’s personality is as colorful and vibrant as a Kaleidoscope, this name is a perfect fit.
  • Kisses: An adorable name for a bunny who loves to give and receive affection.
  • Kismet: A powerful name meaning ‘fate’ or ‘destiny,’ ideal for a rabbit that feels like a destined part of your life.


  • Lavender: Named after the sweet-scented flower, Lavender suits a calm, soothing bunny.
  • Luna: A Latin name meaning ‘moon,’ perfect for a nocturnal or pale-coated bunny.
  • Lollipop: A sweet name for an even sweeter rabbit.
  • Lily: A graceful name for a delicate and elegant bunny named after the beautiful flower.


  • Muffin: An endearing name for a round, fluffy bunny.
  • Misty: If your bunny’s coat has a cool gray shade, consider Misty.
  • Marigold: Named after the vibrant flower, this name suits a lively, spirited bunny.
  • Moonbeam: For a rabbit that brightens up your life like a beam of moonlight.


  • Nutmeg: A spicy name for a bunny with a reddish-brown coat.
  • Nectar: For a bunny who is as sweet as the juice of a fruit.
  • Noodle: An adorable name for a long, lean bunny.
  • Nimbus: If your bunny has a fluffy, cloud-like coat, consider Nimbus.


  • Opal: A gemstone representing all the rainbow colors, a unique name for a special bunny.
  • Olive: If your bunny has a peaceful disposition, Olive, symbolizing peace, is a great choice.
  • Orchid: A unique name for an exotic bunny named after the rare and beautiful flower.
  • Oreo: A fun name for a black and white bunny.


  • Pearl: An elegant name for a white-coated bunny, precious and rare.
  • Pumpkin: A delightful name for a round, orange-colored rabbit.
  • Petunia: Named after the colorful flower, Petunia suits a vibrant and cheerful bunny.
  • Pebbles: A fun name for a small, peppy rabbit.


  • Quartz: A precious stone representing strength, perfect for a resilient bunny.
  • Quill: A unique name for a bunny with a sharp, intelligent mind.
  • Quiche: A delicious name for a bunny who brings a flavor of joy to your life.
  • Queenie: A regal name for a bunny who rules your heart.


  • Rose: Named after the symbol of love and beauty, this name suits a beautiful, affectionate bunny.
  • Rainbow: A name for a rabbit that brings a spectrum of joy to your life.
  • Ruby: If your bunny is precious to you, consider Ruby, a gemstone symbolizing love and passion.
  • Ripple: For a bunny who’s significantly impacted your life, just like a ripple in the water.


  • Sugar: An endearing name for a bunny as sweet as sugar.
  • Star: For a bunny that shines bright in your life.
  • Sapphire: Named after the precious blue gemstone, this suits a rare, unique bunny.
  • Sunflower: A cheerful name for a bunny as bright and sunny as a flower.


  • Topaz: A golden gemstone and a beautiful name for a golden-colored bunny.
  • Tulip: Named after the vibrant flower, Tulip suits a bright, lively bunny.
  • Teacup: An adorable name for a small, dainty rabbit.
  • Twinkle: A shining name for a bunny who lights up your life with joy.


  • Umbra: A unique name for a bunny with a dark, shadowy coat.
  • Unity: A strong name for a bunny who brings harmony and unity to your life.
  • Unicorn: A lovely name for a rare, magical rabbit.
  • Urchin: A cute name for a playful, curious bunny.


  • Velvet: A soft and smooth name for a bunny with a luxurious coat.
  • Violet: Named after the purple flower, this suits a calm, soothing bunny.
  • Vanilla: A sweet name for a bunny as pure and comforting as the flavor.
  • Vesper: A cool name for a bunny active in the evenings.


  • Willow: Named after the flexible tree, Willow suits a graceful, adaptable bunny.
  • Whisper: A serene name for a quiet, gentle rabbit.
  • Waffle: A warm and comforting name, perfect for a cuddly bunny.
  • Windy: A fun name for a fast, energetic rabbit.


  • Xena: A strong name for a fearless and independent bunny.
  • Xanthe: A unique name of Greek origin, meaning ‘golden’ or ‘fair,’ perfect for a light-colored bunny.
  • Xylia: A charming name of Greek origin, meaning ‘of the woods,’ suitable for a nature-loving bunny.
  • Xenia: A beautiful name of Greek origin, meaning ‘hospitality,’ for a welcoming and friendly bunny.


  • Yara: An Arabic name meaning ‘small butterfly’ for a delicate, graceful bunny.
  • Yoko: A unique Japanese name meaning ‘child of sunlight,’ perfect for a bright, cheerful bunny.
  • Yummy: An lovable name for an absolutely adorable bunny.
  • Yucca: Named after a tough desert plant that can withstand difficult conditions. This name suits a strong, independent rabbit.


  • Zinnia: A colorful name for a vibrant, lively bunny named after the bright flower.
  • Zelda: Of German origin, this name means ‘battle maid,’ perfect for a bunny with a warrior spirit.
  • Zephyr: A cool name for a quick, light-footed bunny named after the west wind.
  • Zest: An exciting name for a bunny full of life and energy.

Finish Line

Picking a name for your girl rabbit is a special moment. It’s all about capturing her personality or the way she looks.

We hope our list of names has given you lots of ideas. The best name will be one that brings out your rabbit’s unique beauty and makes you smile each time you say it.

Enjoy this special time and happy naming!

Cynthia Andrews

Cynthia, an accomplished author and podcaster, specializes in the art of fantasy naming. Her expertise lies in weaving together mythical and natural elements to create names that capture the essence of fantastical creatures and characters. Her passion for the mystical world is reflected in the high-quality, imaginative content she produces, making her a valuable asset to any team seeking creative and unique fantasy names.

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