Gorilla Names [500+ Ideas for Baby, Male, & Female]

Gorilla Names

Naming a gorilla is an endeavor that combines respect, creativity, and a deep appreciation for these majestic creatures.

It’s about selecting a tag that echoes the gorilla’s unique personality, honors their natural heritage, and reflects their profound connection to both their environment and to us.

This guide offers a wide array of 500+ gorilla names, each curated to inspire and connect, highlighting the diverse beauty and strength of gorillas.

Good Gorilla Name Ideas

Good Gorilla Names Ideas

When it comes to gorillas, their names need to reflect their majestic and awe-inspiring nature.

What name would do justice to such a moment? Below, you will find a selection of names that strive to encapsulate the very spirit of the gorilla.

  • Kumba
  • Bantu
  • Goran
  • Majestic
  • Kong
  • Apollo
  • Nero
  • Samson
  • Atlas
  • Brutus
  • Caesar
  • Echo
  • Gideon
  • Hercules
  • Kano
  • Leo
  • Maximus
  • Nova
  • Orion
  • Quincy
  • Rocco
  • Sable
  • Taurus
  • Ulysses
  • Vega
  • Winston
  • Xavier
  • Zeus
  • Aldo
  • Blaze
  • Clifford
  • Dexter

In addition, exploring good names for coyotes could provide unique insights into capturing the wild essence and adaptability of another remarkable creature.

Baby Gorilla Names

Baby Gorilla Names

There’s nothing quite like the innocent charm of baby gorillas, with their playful antics and curious eyes exploring the world around them.

Naming a baby gorilla is about capturing that innocence, wonder, and the potential for greatness.

  • Bubbles
  • Cuddles
  • Dobby
  • Eddy
  • Fizzy
  • Giggles
  • Huggy
  • Izzy
  • Jolly
  • Kiki
  • Lolly
  • Munchkin
  • Nibbles
  • Ozzie
  • Pippin
  • Quirky
  • Snuggles
  • Toto
  • Umi
  • Vivi
  • Wiggles
  • Xo
  • Yoyo
  • Zippy
  • Alfie
  • Bingo
  • Coco
  • Elmo
  • Fudge
  • Goober
  • Happy
  • Ink
  • Jellybean
  • Kiwi
  • Lulu
  • Olive

Female Gorilla Names

Female gorillas embody grace, strength, and the mysterious beauty of the natural world. They are the heart of their families, nurturing and protecting their young with fierce determination.

The monikers we’ve chosen reflect not just their power and elegance but also the deep connection they share with their environment.

  • Amara
  • Bella
  • Celeste
  • Diana
  • Esme
  • Fiona
  • Grace
  • Harmony
  • Iris
  • Jasmine
  • Kira
  • Maya
  • Nala
  • Ophelia
  • Pearl
  • Queen
  • Rosa
  • Serena
  • Tara
  • Uma
  • Veda
  • Xena
  • Yara
  • Zara
  • Athena
  • Brooke
  • Cleo
  • Delilah
  • Evelyn
  • Freya
  • Giselle
  • Helena
  • Isla
  • Juliet
  • Kiara
  • Leah
  • Mira
  • Nadia

Male Names for Gorilla

Male gorillas are the very image of power and leadership, standing tall as protectors of their families and territories.

Yet, within their imposing presence lies a gentle giant capable of tender moments and deep emotional bonds.

Our selection of names for male gorillas aims to capture both the strength and the surprising gentleness of these leaders of the primate world.

  • Ajax
  • Boris
  • Conan
  • Drago
  • Flint
  • Gage
  • Hector
  • Ignatius
  • Jax
  • Knox
  • Leon
  • Magnus
  • Pax
  • Quentin
  • Rex
  • Stark
  • Thor
  • Ulric
  • Victor
  • Wallace
  • Xander
  • York
  • Zane
  • Aldric
  • Cedric
  • Dante
  • Elton
  • Felix
  • Harvey
  • Julian
  • Kellan
  • Ludo
  • Maxim
  • Nolan

In considering names that reflect the gorilla’s strength and leadership, one may find parallels with the powerful and mysterious allure of badass black wolf names.

Funny Gorilla Names

Who says names can’t have a sense of humor? Gorillas, with their expressive faces and human-like behaviors, certainly seem to appreciate a good laugh.

The following funny gorilla names are inspired by their playful nature, reminding us that joy can be found in the most unexpected places.

  • Bananarama
  • Chuckles
  • Doodles
  • Elvis
  • Fuzzball
  • Gigglesworth
  • Hambone
  • Iceman
  • Jokester
  • King Konga
  • Laffy
  • Mumbo
  • Noodle
  • Oops
  • Puddles
  • Quacky
  • Rumple
  • Sillyfoot
  • Tickle
  • Vroom
  • Wobble
  • X-tra
  • Yucko
  • Zany
  • Applejack
  • Boomer
  • Crumpet
  • Dingdong
  • Eureka
  • Frito
  • Hiccup
  • Itchy
  • Kooky
  • Loopy
  • Mischief
  • Oaf

Additionally, drawing from the vast collection of rhino names can offer a fresh angle on naming.

Cute Names for Gorillas

Cuteness and gorillas go hand in hand, especially when observing their youthful antics or the tender care they show their families.

These cute names for gorillas are like a warm hug, wrapping the gorillas in a blanket of affection.

  • Angel
  • Boo
  • Cupcake
  • Dewdrop
  • Elf
  • Fluffy
  • Honey
  • Joy
  • Kuddle
  • Lovebug
  • Muffin
  • Nuzzle
  • Oodles
  • Pipsqueak
  • Quibble
  • Ruffles
  • Tinker
  • Upsy
  • Velvet
  • Whimsy
  • Xoxo
  • Yummy
  • Zizzle
  • Amigo
  • Binky
  • Coo
  • Dimples
  • Fawn
  • Goo
  • Hopper
  • Jingle
  • Kisses
  • Lovie
  • Mopsy
  • Niblet

Famous Gorilla Names with Origin

The stories of famous gorillas resonate with us, reminding us of the deep connections possible between humans and our primate cousins.

These popular gorilla names, each with their own origin story, honor the memory of gorillas who have left a lasting impact on the world.

They serve as bridges between our species, highlighting moments of compassion, understanding, and shared experiences.

  • Koko (Famous for sign language skills)
  • Harambe (Cincinnati Zoo)
  • Titus (Known from “Gorillas in the Mist”)
  • Binti Jua (Hero gorilla who saved a child)
  • Ivan (The One and Only Ivan)
  • Jambo (Famous for protecting a fallen child)
  • Snowflake (The albino gorilla)
  • Digit (Dian Fossey’s favorite)
  • Guy (London Zoo’s popular gorilla)
  • Colo (The first gorilla born in captivity)
  • Michael (Koko’s companion, also used sign language)
  • Joe (Mighty Joe Young)
  • Bobo (Apetown Zoo star)
  • Shinda (Prague Zoo)
  • Ndume (Koko’s intended mate)
  • Fatou (Berlin Zoo, one of the world’s oldest gorillas)
  • Nikita (Kansas City Zoo star)
  • Kwame (Leader of a gorilla group)
  • Mokolo (Cleveland Metroparks Zoo)

Cool Gorilla Names

Coolness isn’t just a human trait; gorillas possess it, too, in their confident gait and insightful gazes.

The following cool gorilla monikers are for the trendsetters of the forest, the gorillas who walk their own path with unmistakable swagger.

They’re a blend of style, charisma, and a dash of mystery, perfect for the gorilla who knows just how to catch the eye.

  • Ace
  • Blade
  • Cruz
  • Drake
  • Falcon
  • Hawk
  • Ice
  • Jett
  • Klash
  • Lynx
  • Nitro
  • Onyx
  • Pulse
  • Quake
  • Razor
  • Storm
  • Tornado
  • Uzi
  • Wraith
  • Xero
  • Zenith
  • Astro
  • Bolt
  • Cipher
  • Dash
  • Edge
  • Flash
  • Iron
  • Jinx
  • Knight
  • Legend
  • Matrix

Gorilla Names For Fictional Characters

The realm of fiction opens up endless possibilities for naming.

This list of fictional gorilla names is drawn from the well of creativity, designed for characters that leap off the page or screen and into our imaginations.

  • Argon
  • Braxis
  • Crag
  • Drax
  • Elgor
  • Fang
  • Gorn
  • Helix
  • Ivar
  • Jorak
  • Kron
  • Lurk
  • Morak
  • Narg
  • Ogor
  • Pyre
  • Quorin
  • Rax
  • Sorn
  • Turg
  • Ulgar
  • Vorak
  • Warlock
  • Xarn
  • Ygor
  • Zorak
  • Atrax
  • Boron
  • Cygor
  • Drek
  • Enox
  • Feral
  • Grimlock
  • Harkon
  • Invictus
  • Jarn
  • Kraven
  • Lox
  • Mordak
  • Nexus

For those enchanted by the mystical and the mythical, turning to mythical fox names could offer a creative perspective in naming a gorilla.

African Gorilla Names

Rooted in the rich soils of Africa, the below-mentioned titles draw from the continent’s diverse languages and cultures, paying homage to the homeland of the gorilla.

Every name carries a meaning, a story, or a connection to the traits and tales of these noble creatures.

  • Amani (Peace)
  • Bahati (Luck)
  • Chiumbo (Small)
  • Duma (Cheetah)
  • Enzi (Power)
  • Fadhili (Grace)
  • Ghali (Precious)
  • Habari (News)
  • Imara (Strong)
  • Jelani (Mighty)
  • Kibwe (Blessed)
  • Lekan (My wealth is increased)
  • Makena (Happy one)
  • Nia (Purpose)
  • Oni (Born on holy ground)
  • Penda (Love)
  • Quilla (Moon)
  • Reth (King)
  • Sefu (Sword)
  • Tendaji (Makes things happen)
  • Uzima (Life)
  • Vumbi (Dust)
  • Wimbo (Song)
  • Xola (Stay in peace)
  • Yaro (Son)
  • Zuri (Beautiful)
  • Ajani (He fights for possession)
  • Bongani (Be thankful)
  • Dakarai (Happiness)
  • Eshe (Life)
  • Faraji (Consolation)
  • Gamba (Warrior)
  • Haki (Justice)
  • Imani (Faith)
  • Jabari (Brave)
  • Kito (Precious gem)
  • Luthando (Love)
  • Mwamba (Rock)
  • Ngozi (Blessing)
  • Omari (High born)

Catchy Gorilla Names That Start With G

There’s something inherently fun about alliteration, especially when it comes to naming gorillas.

These catchy styles all start with “G,” giving them a rhythmic quality that’s hard to forget.

They’re playful, memorable, and roll off the tongue, making them perfect for gorillas with personalities as big and bold as their names.

  • Gadget
  • Galaxy
  • Garnet
  • Gatsby
  • Gauge
  • Genesis
  • Geo
  • Geronimo
  • Gizmo
  • Glacier
  • Goliath
  • Gotham
  • Graviton
  • Gremlin
  • Griffin
  • Grizzly
  • Groot
  • Guardian
  • Gusto
  • Gyro
  • Gable
  • Gambit
  • Gander
  • Garbo
  • Gentry
  • Ghost
  • Glimpse
  • Glory
  • Gobble
  • Goldie
  • Goof
  • Grail
  • Grant
  • Graphite
  • Gravy
  • Greco
  • Grid

Unique Gorilla Nicknames

Nicknames are a way to add a personal touch, a little bit of flair that captures a gorilla’s unique personality or quirks.

These unique gorilla nicknames are more than just names; they’re a reflection of individual traits, memorable moments, or even aspirations.

  • Bouncer
  • Captain
  • Dazzler
  • Grit
  • Halo
  • Inferno
  • Jester
  • Kicker
  • Outlaw
  • Pacer
  • Quirk
  • Riff
  • Spark
  • Turbo
  • Uproar
  • Vandal
  • Whiz
  • Xplode
  • Yankee
  • Zephyr
  • Alpha
  • Beta
  • Gamma
  • Delta
  • Epsilon
  • Zeta
  • Eta
  • Theta
  • Iota
  • Kappa
  • Lambda
  • Mu
  • Nu
  • Xi
  • Omicron

Lincoln Park Gorilla Name Ideas

Nestled in the heart of a bustling city, Lincoln Park serves as a verdant oasis, mirroring the lush habitats of gorillas in the wild.

Our following collection inspired by this iconic park bridge’s urban elegance with the natural grace of gorillas.

They echo the serenity of green spaces amidst concrete jungles, offering a nod to gorillas living in sanctuaries that replicate their native forests.

  • Arbor
  • Dale
  • Elm
  • Forrest
  • Glen
  • Heath
  • Ivy
  • Jasper
  • Keystone
  • Leaf
  • Meadow
  • North
  • Oakley
  • Pine
  • Ridge
  • Sylvan
  • Terra
  • Upland
  • Vale
  • Willow
  • Xanadu
  • Yarrow
  • Amber
  • Breeze
  • Cascade
  • Dew
  • Fern
  • Grove
  • Isle
  • Jewel
  • Knoll
  • Lotus
  • Marsh
  • Nectar

Columbus Zoo Gorilla Name Ideas

The Columbus Zoo is renowned for its commitment to wildlife conservation, providing a haven for gorillas, among many other species.

The following choices are infused with the spirit of discovery and adventure, reminiscent of the explorations that take place within the zoo’s boundaries.

  • Comet
  • Flare
  • Glimmer
  • Harbor
  • Jolt
  • Kite
  • Lumen
  • Mist
  • Orbit
  • Prism
  • Quantum
  • Ripple
  • Solar
  • Tide
  • Unity
  • Vortex
  • Wave
  • Xenon
  • Yule
  • Aero
  • Beacon
  • Crystal
  • Drift
  • Eclipse
  • Flicker
  • Glow
  • Horizon
  • Ion
  • Kindle
  • Lattice
  • Nebula

Cincinnati Zoo Gorilla Names Ideas

The Cincinnati Zoo has a storied history with gorillas marked by moments of joy and sorrow, fostering a deep connection between humans and these majestic creatures.

The name ideas drawn for gorillas in this revered space are imbued with respect, admiration, and the legacy of those who have come before.

They honor the zoo’s enduring commitment to the care and understanding of gorillas, serving as a testament to the bonds that can be formed across species.

  • Aria
  • Bravo
  • Cedar
  • Dune
  • Fable
  • Haven
  • Indie
  • Jive
  • Karma
  • Lark
  • Mystic
  • Oasis
  • Pinnacle
  • Quest
  • Rhapsody
  • Sage
  • Tundra
  • Verve
  • Whisper
  • Xylo
  • Yonder
  • Zen
  • Arcadia
  • Bloom
  • Chorus
  • Drizzle
  • Ember
  • Flora
  • Gala
  • Hallow
  • Insight
  • Jubilee
  • Kismet
  • Muse
  • Nomad

Best Gorilla Names

At the heart of every name is the essence of the being it represents. These best gorilla names have been carefully selected for their resonance, beauty, and the sense of awe they inspire.

They stand out for their ability to capture the majesty, the mystery, and the profound intelligence of gorillas.

  • Titan
  • Aurora
  • Serenity
  • Maverick
  • Everest
  • Luna
  • Phoenix
  • Sequoia
  • Gaia
  • Indigo
  • Jagger
  • Kona
  • Levi
  • Mirage

How to Choose the Perfect Gorilla Name?

Finding the perfect name for your gorilla can be a delightful yet daunting task. It’s about striking a balance between the uniqueness of the name and the essence of the gorilla’s personality and stature.

Whether you’re naming a gorilla character in a story or a new addition to a zoo, our following tips can guide you through the naming process.

Observe Their Characteristics: Consider the gorilla’s character traits. Is it playful, serious, nurturing, or perhaps a little mischievous? A name that mirrors these traits can form a deeper connection.

Cultural Significance: Look into names that have meanings in languages from regions where gorillas are native, such as Africa. This not only pays homage to their origin but also adds a layer of significance to the name.

Inspiration from Nature: Since gorillas are closely tied to their natural habitat, names inspired by nature, like forest names, mountain names, or names of rivers in Africa—can resonate well.

Famous Gorillas: Naming after famous gorillas, either from real life or fiction, can be a great way to acknowledge their impact. However, ensure it’s done with respect and understanding of the original gorilla’s story.

Easy Pronunciation: Choose a name that’s easy to pronounce and remember. This makes it easier for everyone to call and refer to the gorilla, fostering a stronger bond between the gorilla and its audience or caretakers.

Avoid Human Names: While it might be tempting, try to avoid very common human names. Gorillas are majestic creatures, and their names should highlight their grandeur and distinction from humans.

Final Words

In concluding, selecting a name for a gorilla is a meaningful tribute to their majestic presence and the profound connection we share with these gentle giants.

Through the tapestry of names inspired by nature, culture, and traits, we celebrate the essence of gorillas.

This collection, ranging from the whimsically cute to the deeply iconic, serves not only as a guide but as a reflection of our admiration and respect for these remarkable creatures.

Let each moniker stand as a testament to the gorilla’s enduring legacy, capturing the spirit of these guardians of the forest with reverence and affection.

Maria Collier
Content Writer | Proofreader at Names Pursuit | + posts

Passionate content writer with 5+ years' experience. Inspired by a lifelong love for animals, Maria brings her expertise to our team. With a deep understanding of the pet and animal world, she adds a personal touch to our articles, making them relatable and engaging.

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